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Primary usage is to keep track of evaluated individuals


Name Type Description Default
initial_population list of BaseIndividuals

Initial population to start with. If None, start with an empty population.

list of BaseIndividuals
use_unique_id Bool

If True, individuals are treated as unique if they have the same unique_id(). If False, all new individuals are treated as unique.

callback function

NOT YET IMPLEMENTED A function to call after each generation. The function should take a Population object as its only argument.



Name Type Description
population {list of BaseIndividuals}

The current population of individuals. Contains the live instances of BaseIndividuals.

evaluated_individuals {dict}

A dictionary of dictionaries. The keys are the unique_id() or self of each BaseIndividual. Can be thought of as a table with the unique_id() as the row index and the inner dictionary keys as the columns.

Source code in tpot2/
class Population():
    Primary usage is to keep track of evaluated individuals

    initial_population : {list of BaseIndividuals}, default=None
        Initial population to start with. If None, start with an empty population.
    use_unique_id : {Bool}, default=True
        If True, individuals are treated as unique if they have the same unique_id().
        If False, all new individuals are treated as unique.
    callback : {function}, default=None
        A function to call after each generation. The function should take a Population object as its only argument.

    population : {list of BaseIndividuals}
        The current population of individuals. Contains the live instances of BaseIndividuals.
    evaluated_individuals : {dict}
        A dictionary of dictionaries. The keys are the unique_id() or self of each BaseIndividual.
        Can be thought of as a table with the unique_id() as the row index and the inner dictionary keys as the columns.
    def __init__(   self,
                    column_names: typing.List[str] = None,
                    n_jobs: int = 1,
                    ) -> None:

        if column_names is not None:

            column_names = column_names+["Parents", "Variation_Function"]
            column_names = ["Parents", "Variation_Function"]
        self.evaluated_individuals = pd.DataFrame(columns=column_names)
        self.evaluated_individuals["Parents"] = self.evaluated_individuals["Parents"].astype('object')

        self.use_unique_id = True #Todo clean this up. perhaps pull unique_id() out of baseestimator and have it be supplied as a function
        self.n_jobs = n_jobs
        self.population = []

    def survival_select(self, selector, weights, columns_names, n_survivors, rng_=None, inplace=True):
        rng = np.random.default_rng(rng_)
        weighted_scores = self.get_column(self.population, column_names=columns_names) * weights
        new_population_index = np.ravel(selector(weighted_scores, k=n_survivors, rng_=rng)) #TODO make it clear that we are concatenating scores...
        new_population = np.array(self.population)[new_population_index]
        if inplace:
            self.set_population(new_population, rng_=rng)
        return new_population

    def parent_select(self, selector, weights, columns_names, k, n_parents, rng_=None):
        rng = np.random.default_rng(rng_)
        weighted_scores = self.get_column(self.population, column_names=columns_names) * weights
        parents_index = selector(weighted_scores, k=k, n_parents=n_parents, rng_=rng)
        parents = np.array(self.population)[parents_index]
        return parents

    #remove individuals that either do not have a column_name value or a nan in that value
    #TODO take into account when the value is not a list/tuple?
    #TODO make invalid a global variable?
    def remove_invalid_from_population(self, column_names, invalid_value = "INVALID"):
        Remove individuals from the live population if either do not have a value in the column_name column or if the value contains np.nan.

        column_name : {str}
            The name of the column to check for np.nan values.

        if isinstance(column_names, str): #TODO check this
            column_names = [column_names]
        is_valid = lambda ind: ind.unique_id() not in self.evaluated_individuals.index or invalid_value not in self.evaluated_individuals.loc[ind.unique_id(),column_names].to_list()
        self.population = [ind for ind in self.population if is_valid(ind)]

    # takes the list of individuals and adds it to the live population list.
    # if keep_repeats is False, repeated individuals are not added to the population
    # returns a list of individuals added to the live population
    #TODO make keep repeats allow for previously evaluated individuals,
    #but make sure that the live population only includes one of each, no repeats
    def add_to_population(self, individuals: typing.List[BaseIndividual], rng_=None, keep_repeats=False, mutate_until_unique=True):
        Add individuals to the live population. Add individuals to the evaluated_individuals if they are not already there.

        individuals : {list of BaseIndividuals}
            The individuals to add to the live population.
        keep_repeats : {bool}, default=False
            If True, allow the population to have repeated individuals.
            If False, only add individuals that have not yet been added to geneology.

        rng = np.random.default_rng(rng_)

        if not isinstance(individuals,
            individuals = [individuals]

        new_individuals = []
        #TODO check for proper inputs
        for individual in individuals:
            key = individual.unique_id()

            if key not in self.evaluated_individuals.index: #If its new, we always add it
                self.evaluated_individuals.loc[key] = np.nan
                self.evaluated_individuals.loc[key,"Individual"] = copy.deepcopy(individual)

            else:#If its old
                if keep_repeats: #If we want to keep repeats, we add it
                elif mutate_until_unique: #If its old and we don't want repeats, we can optionally mutate it until it is unique
                    for _ in range(20):
                        individual = copy.deepcopy(individual)
                        key = individual.unique_id()
                        if key not in self.evaluated_individuals.index:
                            self.evaluated_individuals.loc[key] = np.nan
                            self.evaluated_individuals.loc[key,"Individual"] = copy.deepcopy(individual)

        return new_individuals

    def update_column(self, individual, column_names, data):
        Update the column_name column in the evaluated_individuals with the data.
        If the data is a list, it must be the same length as the evaluated_individuals.
        If the data is a single value, it will be applied to all individuals in the evaluated_individuals.
        if isinstance(individual,
            if self.use_unique_id:
                key = [ind.unique_id() for ind in individual]
                key = individual
            if self.use_unique_id:
                key = individual.unique_id()
                key = individual

        self.evaluated_individuals.loc[key,column_names] = data

    def get_column(self, individual, column_names=None, to_numpy=True):
        Update the column_name column in the evaluated_individuals with the data.
        If the data is a list, it must be the same length as the evaluated_individuals.
        If the data is a single value, it will be applied to all individuals in the evaluated_individuals.
        if isinstance(individual,
            if self.use_unique_id:
                key = [ind.unique_id() for ind in individual]
                key = individual
            if self.use_unique_id:
                key = individual.unique_id()
                key = individual

        if column_names is not None:
            slice = self.evaluated_individuals.loc[key,column_names]
            slice = self.evaluated_individuals.loc[key]
        if to_numpy:
            slice.reset_index(drop=True, inplace=True)
            return slice.to_numpy()
            return slice

    #returns the individuals without a 'column' as a key in geneology
    #TODO make sure not to get repeats in this list even if repeats are in the "live" population
    def get_unevaluated_individuals(self, column_names, individual_list=None):
        if individual_list is None:
            individual_list = self.population

        if self.use_unique_id:
            unevaluated_filter = lambda individual: individual.unique_id() not in self.evaluated_individuals.index or any(self.evaluated_individuals.loc[individual.unique_id(), column_names].isna())
            unevaluated_filter = lambda individual: individual not in self.evaluated_individuals.index or any(self.evaluated_individuals.loc[individual.unique_id(), column_names].isna())

        return [individual for individual in individual_list if unevaluated_filter(individual)]

    # def get_valid_evaluated_individuals_df(self, column_names_to_check, invalid_values=["TIMEOUT","INVALID"]):
    #     '''
    #     Returns a dataframe of the evaluated individuals that do no have invalid_values in column_names_to_check.
    #     '''
    #     return self.evaluated_individuals[~self.evaluated_individuals[column_names_to_check].isin(invalid_values).any(axis=1)]

    #the live population empied and is set to new_population
    def set_population(self,  new_population, rng_=None, keep_repeats=True):
        sets population to new population
        for selection?
        rng = np.random.default_rng(rng_)
        self.population = []
        self.add_to_population(new_population, rng_=rng, keep_repeats=keep_repeats)

    #TODO should we just generate one offspring per crossover?
    def create_offspring(self, parents_list, var_op_list, rng_=None, add_to_population=True, keep_repeats=False, mutate_until_unique=True, n_jobs=1):
        parents_list: a list of lists of parents.
        var_op_list: a list of var_ops to apply to each list of parents. Should be the same length as parents_list.

        for example:
        parents_list = [[parent1, parent2], [parent3]]
        var_op_list = ["crossover", "mutate"]

        This will apply crossover to parent1 and parent2 and mutate to parent3.

        Creates offspring from parents using the var_op_list.
        If string, will use a built in method
            - "crossover" : crossover
            - "mutate" : mutate
            - "mutate_and_crossover" : mutate_and_crossover
            - "cross_and_mutate" : cross_and_mutate
        rng = np.random.default_rng(rng_)
        new_offspring = []
        all_offspring = parallel_create_offspring(parents_list, var_op_list, rng_=rng, n_jobs=n_jobs)

        for parents, offspring, var_op in zip(parents_list, all_offspring, var_op_list):

            # if var_op in built_in_var_ops_dict:
            #     var_op = built_in_var_ops_dict[var_op]

            # offspring = copy.deepcopy(parents)
            # offspring = var_op(offspring)
            # if isinstance(offspring,
            #     offspring = offspring[0]

            if add_to_population:
                added = self.add_to_population(offspring, rng_=rng, keep_repeats=keep_repeats, mutate_until_unique=mutate_until_unique)
                if len(added) > 0:
                    for new_child in added:
                        parent_keys = [parent.unique_id() for parent in parents]
                        if not pd.api.types.is_object_dtype(self.evaluated_individuals["Parents"]): #TODO Is there a cleaner way of doing this? Not required for some python environments?
                            self.evaluated_individuals["Parents"] = self.evaluated_individuals["Parents"].astype('object')
                        if not pd.api.types.is_object_dtype(self.evaluated_individuals["Variation_Function"]):#TODO Is there a cleaner way of doing this? Not required for some python environments?
                            self.evaluated_individuals["Variation_Function"] = self.evaluated_individuals["Variation_Function"].astype('object')
              [new_child.unique_id(),"Parents"] = tuple(parent_keys)

                        #if var_op is a function
                        if hasattr(var_op, '__call__'):
                  [new_child.unique_id(),"Variation_Function"] = var_op.__name__
                  [new_child.unique_id(),"Variation_Function"] = str(var_op)



        return new_offspring

    #TODO should we just generate one offspring per crossover?
    def create_offspring2(self, parents_list, var_op_list, mutation_functions,mutation_function_weights, crossover_functions,crossover_function_weights, rng_=None, add_to_population=True, keep_repeats=False, mutate_until_unique=True):

        rng = np.random.default_rng(rng_)
        new_offspring = []

        all_offspring = []
        chosen_ops = []

        for parents, var_op in zip(parents_list,var_op_list):
            #TODO put this loop in population class
            if var_op == "mutate":
                mutation_op = rng.choice(mutation_functions, p=mutation_function_weights)
                all_offspring.append(copy_and_mutate(parents[0], mutation_op, rng_=rng))

            elif var_op == "crossover":
                crossover_op = rng.choice(crossover_functions, p=crossover_function_weights)
                all_offspring.append(copy_and_crossover(parents, crossover_op, rng_=rng))
            elif var_op == "mutate_then_crossover":

                mutation_op1 = rng.choice(mutation_functions, p=mutation_function_weights)
                mutation_op2 = rng.choice(mutation_functions, p=mutation_function_weights)
                crossover_op = rng.choice(crossover_functions, p=crossover_function_weights)
                p1 = copy_and_mutate(parents[0], mutation_op1, rng_=rng)
                p2 = copy_and_mutate(parents[1], mutation_op2, rng_=rng)
                chosen_ops.append(f"{mutation_op1.__name__} , {mutation_op2.__name__} , {crossover_op.__name__}")
            elif var_op == "crossover_then_mutate":
                crossover_op = rng.choice(crossover_functions, p=crossover_function_weights)
                child = copy_and_crossover(parents, crossover_op, rng_=rng)
                mutation_op = rng.choice(mutation_functions, p=mutation_function_weights)
                mutation_op(child, rng_=rng)
                chosen_ops.append(f"{crossover_op.__name__} , {mutation_op.__name__}")

        for parents, offspring, var_op in zip(parents_list, all_offspring, chosen_ops):

            # if var_op in built_in_var_ops_dict:
            #     var_op = built_in_var_ops_dict[var_op]

            # offspring = copy.deepcopy(parents)
            # offspring = var_op(offspring)
            # if isinstance(offspring,
            #     offspring = offspring[0]

            if add_to_population:
                added = self.add_to_population(offspring, rng_=rng, keep_repeats=keep_repeats, mutate_until_unique=mutate_until_unique)
                if len(added) > 0:
                    for new_child in added:
                        parent_keys = [parent.unique_id() for parent in parents]
                        if not pd.api.types.is_object_dtype(self.evaluated_individuals["Parents"]): #TODO Is there a cleaner way of doing this? Not required for some python environments?
                            self.evaluated_individuals["Parents"] = self.evaluated_individuals["Parents"].astype('object')
              [new_child.unique_id(),"Parents"] = tuple(parent_keys)

                        #check if Variation_Function variable is an object type
                        if not pd.api.types.is_object_dtype(self.evaluated_individuals["Variation_Function"]): #TODO Is there a cleaner way of doing this? Not required for some python environments?
                            self.evaluated_individuals["Variation_Function"] = self.evaluated_individuals["Variation_Function"].astype('object')

                        #if var_op is a function
                        if hasattr(var_op, '__call__'):
                  [new_child.unique_id(),"Variation_Function"] = var_op.__name__
                  [new_child.unique_id(),"Variation_Function"] = str(var_op)



        return new_offspring

add_to_population(individuals, rng_=None, keep_repeats=False, mutate_until_unique=True)

Add individuals to the live population. Add individuals to the evaluated_individuals if they are not already there.


individuals : {list of BaseIndividuals} The individuals to add to the live population. keep_repeats : {bool}, default=False If True, allow the population to have repeated individuals. If False, only add individuals that have not yet been added to geneology.

Source code in tpot2/
def add_to_population(self, individuals: typing.List[BaseIndividual], rng_=None, keep_repeats=False, mutate_until_unique=True):
    Add individuals to the live population. Add individuals to the evaluated_individuals if they are not already there.

    individuals : {list of BaseIndividuals}
        The individuals to add to the live population.
    keep_repeats : {bool}, default=False
        If True, allow the population to have repeated individuals.
        If False, only add individuals that have not yet been added to geneology.

    rng = np.random.default_rng(rng_)

    if not isinstance(individuals,
        individuals = [individuals]

    new_individuals = []
    #TODO check for proper inputs
    for individual in individuals:
        key = individual.unique_id()

        if key not in self.evaluated_individuals.index: #If its new, we always add it
            self.evaluated_individuals.loc[key] = np.nan
            self.evaluated_individuals.loc[key,"Individual"] = copy.deepcopy(individual)

        else:#If its old
            if keep_repeats: #If we want to keep repeats, we add it
            elif mutate_until_unique: #If its old and we don't want repeats, we can optionally mutate it until it is unique
                for _ in range(20):
                    individual = copy.deepcopy(individual)
                    key = individual.unique_id()
                    if key not in self.evaluated_individuals.index:
                        self.evaluated_individuals.loc[key] = np.nan
                        self.evaluated_individuals.loc[key,"Individual"] = copy.deepcopy(individual)

    return new_individuals

create_offspring(parents_list, var_op_list, rng_=None, add_to_population=True, keep_repeats=False, mutate_until_unique=True, n_jobs=1)

parents_list: a list of lists of parents. var_op_list: a list of var_ops to apply to each list of parents. Should be the same length as parents_list.

for example: parents_list = [[parent1, parent2], [parent3]] var_op_list = ["crossover", "mutate"]

This will apply crossover to parent1 and parent2 and mutate to parent3.

Creates offspring from parents using the var_op_list. If string, will use a built in method - "crossover" : crossover - "mutate" : mutate - "mutate_and_crossover" : mutate_and_crossover - "cross_and_mutate" : cross_and_mutate

Source code in tpot2/
def create_offspring(self, parents_list, var_op_list, rng_=None, add_to_population=True, keep_repeats=False, mutate_until_unique=True, n_jobs=1):
    parents_list: a list of lists of parents.
    var_op_list: a list of var_ops to apply to each list of parents. Should be the same length as parents_list.

    for example:
    parents_list = [[parent1, parent2], [parent3]]
    var_op_list = ["crossover", "mutate"]

    This will apply crossover to parent1 and parent2 and mutate to parent3.

    Creates offspring from parents using the var_op_list.
    If string, will use a built in method
        - "crossover" : crossover
        - "mutate" : mutate
        - "mutate_and_crossover" : mutate_and_crossover
        - "cross_and_mutate" : cross_and_mutate
    rng = np.random.default_rng(rng_)
    new_offspring = []
    all_offspring = parallel_create_offspring(parents_list, var_op_list, rng_=rng, n_jobs=n_jobs)

    for parents, offspring, var_op in zip(parents_list, all_offspring, var_op_list):

        # if var_op in built_in_var_ops_dict:
        #     var_op = built_in_var_ops_dict[var_op]

        # offspring = copy.deepcopy(parents)
        # offspring = var_op(offspring)
        # if isinstance(offspring,
        #     offspring = offspring[0]

        if add_to_population:
            added = self.add_to_population(offspring, rng_=rng, keep_repeats=keep_repeats, mutate_until_unique=mutate_until_unique)
            if len(added) > 0:
                for new_child in added:
                    parent_keys = [parent.unique_id() for parent in parents]
                    if not pd.api.types.is_object_dtype(self.evaluated_individuals["Parents"]): #TODO Is there a cleaner way of doing this? Not required for some python environments?
                        self.evaluated_individuals["Parents"] = self.evaluated_individuals["Parents"].astype('object')
                    if not pd.api.types.is_object_dtype(self.evaluated_individuals["Variation_Function"]):#TODO Is there a cleaner way of doing this? Not required for some python environments?
                        self.evaluated_individuals["Variation_Function"] = self.evaluated_individuals["Variation_Function"].astype('object')
          [new_child.unique_id(),"Parents"] = tuple(parent_keys)

                    #if var_op is a function
                    if hasattr(var_op, '__call__'):
              [new_child.unique_id(),"Variation_Function"] = var_op.__name__
              [new_child.unique_id(),"Variation_Function"] = str(var_op)



    return new_offspring

get_column(individual, column_names=None, to_numpy=True)

Update the column_name column in the evaluated_individuals with the data. If the data is a list, it must be the same length as the evaluated_individuals. If the data is a single value, it will be applied to all individuals in the evaluated_individuals.

Source code in tpot2/
def get_column(self, individual, column_names=None, to_numpy=True):
    Update the column_name column in the evaluated_individuals with the data.
    If the data is a list, it must be the same length as the evaluated_individuals.
    If the data is a single value, it will be applied to all individuals in the evaluated_individuals.
    if isinstance(individual,
        if self.use_unique_id:
            key = [ind.unique_id() for ind in individual]
            key = individual
        if self.use_unique_id:
            key = individual.unique_id()
            key = individual

    if column_names is not None:
        slice = self.evaluated_individuals.loc[key,column_names]
        slice = self.evaluated_individuals.loc[key]
    if to_numpy:
        slice.reset_index(drop=True, inplace=True)
        return slice.to_numpy()
        return slice

remove_invalid_from_population(column_names, invalid_value='INVALID')

Remove individuals from the live population if either do not have a value in the column_name column or if the value contains np.nan.


Name Type Description Default
column_name str

The name of the column to check for np.nan values.



Type Description
Source code in tpot2/
def remove_invalid_from_population(self, column_names, invalid_value = "INVALID"):
    Remove individuals from the live population if either do not have a value in the column_name column or if the value contains np.nan.

    column_name : {str}
        The name of the column to check for np.nan values.

    if isinstance(column_names, str): #TODO check this
        column_names = [column_names]
    is_valid = lambda ind: ind.unique_id() not in self.evaluated_individuals.index or invalid_value not in self.evaluated_individuals.loc[ind.unique_id(),column_names].to_list()
    self.population = [ind for ind in self.population if is_valid(ind)]

set_population(new_population, rng_=None, keep_repeats=True)

sets population to new population for selection?

Source code in tpot2/
def set_population(self,  new_population, rng_=None, keep_repeats=True):
    sets population to new population
    for selection?
    rng = np.random.default_rng(rng_)
    self.population = []
    self.add_to_population(new_population, rng_=rng, keep_repeats=keep_repeats)

update_column(individual, column_names, data)

Update the column_name column in the evaluated_individuals with the data. If the data is a list, it must be the same length as the evaluated_individuals. If the data is a single value, it will be applied to all individuals in the evaluated_individuals.

Source code in tpot2/
def update_column(self, individual, column_names, data):
    Update the column_name column in the evaluated_individuals with the data.
    If the data is a list, it must be the same length as the evaluated_individuals.
    If the data is a single value, it will be applied to all individuals in the evaluated_individuals.
    if isinstance(individual,
        if self.use_unique_id:
            key = [ind.unique_id() for ind in individual]
            key = individual
        if self.use_unique_id:
            key = individual.unique_id()
            key = individual

    self.evaluated_individuals.loc[key,column_names] = data