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Bases: _BaseComposition

Source code in tpot2/
class GraphPipeline(_BaseComposition):
    def __init__(
                cross_val_predict_cv=0, #signature function(estimator, X, y=none)
                memory=None, #TODO memory caching like sklearn.pipeline
                subset_column = None,
                drop_subset_column = True,
        An sklearn baseestimator that uses genetic programming to optimize a pipeline.


        graph: networkx.DiGraph
            A directed graph where the nodes are sklearn estimators and the edges are the inputs to those estimators.

        cross_val_predict_cv: int, cross-validation generator or an iterable, optional
            Determines the cross-validation splitting strategy used in inner classifiers or regressors

        method: str, optional
            The prediction method to use for the inner classifiers or regressors. If 'auto', it will try to use predict_proba, decision_function, or predict in that order.

        memory: str or object with the joblib.Memory interface, optional
            Used to cache the fitted transformers of the pipeline. By default, no caching is performed. If a string is given, it is the path to the caching directory.

        subset_column: int, optional
            The column of X that contains the subset values. If None, all rows of X are used. If not None, only the rows of X where X[:,subset_column] is in subset_values are used.
            Used to evolve pipelines where recursive graphs use different subsets of rows.

        drop_subset_column: bool, optional
            If True, the subset_column is dropped from X before being passed to the pipeline. If False, the subset_column is kept in X.

        use_label_encoder: bool, optional
            If True, the label encoder is used to encode the labels to be 0 to N. If False, the label encoder is not used.
            Mainly useful for classifiers (XGBoost) that require labels to be ints from 0 to N.

            Can also be a sklearn.preprocessing.LabelEncoder object. If so, that label encoder is used.


        self.graph = graph
        self.cross_val_predict_cv = cross_val_predict_cv
        self.method = method
        self.memory = memory
        self.subset_column = subset_column
        self.drop_subset_column = drop_subset_column
        self.use_label_encoder = use_label_encoder


        self.topo_sorted_nodes = list(nx.topological_sort(self.graph))

        self.root = self.topo_sorted_nodes[-1]

        if self.use_label_encoder:
            if type(self.use_label_encoder) == LabelEncoder:
                self.label_encoder = self.use_label_encoder
                self.label_encoder = LabelEncoder()

        #TODO clean this up
            raise BaseException 

    def __str__(self):
        if len(self.graph.edges) > 0:
            return str(self.graph.edges)
            return str(self.graph.nodes)

    def fit(self, X, y, subset_col = None):
        # if self.subset_column is not None and self.subset_values is not None:

        #     if isinstance(X, pd.DataFrame):
        #         indeces_to_keep = X[self.subset_column].isin(self._subset_values)
        #         X = X[indeces_to_keep]
        #         y = y[indeces_to_keep]
        #     else:
        #         indeces_to_keep = np.isin(X[:,self.subset_column], self._subset_values)
        #         X = X[indeces_to_keep]
        #         y = y[indeces_to_keep]

        if self.use_label_encoder:
            if type(self.use_label_encoder) == LabelEncoder:
                y = self.label_encoder.transform(y)
                y = self.label_encoder.fit_transform(y)

        if self.subset_column is not None:
            subset_col = X[:,self.subset_column]

            if self.drop_subset_column:
                X = np.delete(X, self.subset_column, axis=1)

        fit_sklearn_digraph(   graph=self.graph,
                                cross_val_predict_cv = self.cross_val_predict_cv,
                                memory = self.memory,
                                topo_sort = self.topo_sorted_nodes,
                                subset_col = subset_col,

        return self

    def plot(self, ):
        plot(graph = self.graph)

    def __sklearn_is_fitted__(self):
        '''Indicate whether pipeline has been fit.'''
            # check if the last step of the pipeline is fitted
            # we only check the last step since if the last step is fit, it
            # means the previous steps should also be fit. This is faster than
            # checking if every step of the pipeline is fit.
            return True
        except sklearn.exceptions.NotFittedError:
            return False

    def predict(self, X, **predict_params):
        if self.subset_column is not None:
            subset_col = X[:,self.subset_column]

            if self.drop_subset_column:
                X = np.delete(X, self.subset_column, axis=1)

        this_X = get_inputs_to_node(self.graph,
                    method = self.method,
                    topo_sort = self.topo_sorted_nodes,

        preds = self.graph.nodes[self.root]["instance"].predict(this_X, **predict_params)

        if self.use_label_encoder:
            preds = self.label_encoder.inverse_transform(preds)

        return preds

    def predict_proba(self, X, **predict_params):
        if self.subset_column is not None:
            if self.drop_subset_column:
                X = np.delete(X, self.subset_column, axis=1)

        this_X = get_inputs_to_node(self.graph,
                    method = self.method,
                    topo_sort = self.topo_sorted_nodes,
        return self.graph.nodes[self.root]["instance"].predict_proba(this_X, **predict_params)

    def decision_function(self, X, **predict_params):
        if self.subset_column is not None:
            if self.drop_subset_column:
                X = np.delete(X, self.subset_column, axis=1)
        this_X = get_inputs_to_node(self.graph,
                    method = self.method,
                    topo_sort = self.topo_sorted_nodes,
        return self.graph.nodes[self.root]["instance"].decision_function(this_X, **predict_params)

    def transform(self, X, **predict_params):

        if self.subset_column is not None:
            if self.drop_subset_column:
                X = np.delete(X, self.subset_column, axis=1)

        this_X = get_inputs_to_node(self.graph,
                    method = self.method,
                    topo_sort = self.topo_sorted_nodes,
        return self.graph.nodes[self.root]["instance"].transform(this_X, **predict_params)

    def classes_(self):
        """The classes labels. Only exist if the last step is a classifier."""

        if self.use_label_encoder:
            return self.label_encoder.classes_
            return self.graph.nodes[self.root]["instance"].classes_

    def _estimator_type(self):
        return self.graph.nodes[self.root]["instance"]._estimator_type

classes_ property

The classes labels. Only exist if the last step is a classifier.


Indicate whether pipeline has been fit.

Source code in tpot2/
def __sklearn_is_fitted__(self):
    '''Indicate whether pipeline has been fit.'''
        # check if the last step of the pipeline is fitted
        # we only check the last step since if the last step is fit, it
        # means the previous steps should also be fit. This is faster than
        # checking if every step of the pipeline is fit.
        return True
    except sklearn.exceptions.NotFittedError:
        return False