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Special configs

make_FSS_config_dictionary(subsets=None, n_features=None, feature_names=None)

Create the search space of parameters for FeatureSetSelector.


Name Type Description Default
  • str : If a string, it is assumed to be a path to a csv file with the subsets. The first column is assumed to be the name of the subset and the remaining columns are the features in the subset.
  • list or np.ndarray : If a list or np.ndarray, it is assumed to be a list of subsets.

If subsets is None, each column will be treated as a subset. One column will be selected per subset.

Source code in tpot2/config/
def make_FSS_config_dictionary(subsets=None, n_features=None, feature_names=None):
    """Create the search space of parameters for FeatureSetSelector.

    subsets: Sets the subsets to select from.
        - str : If a string, it is assumed to be a path to a csv file with the subsets.
            The first column is assumed to be the name of the subset and the remaining columns are the features in the subset.
        - list or np.ndarray : If a list or np.ndarray, it is assumed to be a list of subsets.

    n_features: int the number of features in the dataset.
        If subsets is None, each column will be treated as a subset. One column will be selected per subset.

    #require at least of of the parameters
    if subsets is None and n_features is None:
        raise ValueError('At least one of the parameters must be provided')

    if isinstance(subsets, str):
        df = pd.read_csv(subsets,header=None,index_col=0)
        df['features'] = df.apply(lambda x: list([x[c] for c in df.columns]),axis=1)
        subset_dict = {}
        for row in df.index:
            subset_dict[row] = df.loc[row]['features']
    elif isinstance(subsets, dict):
        subset_dict = subsets
    elif isinstance(subsets, list) or isinstance(subsets, np.ndarray):
        subset_dict = {str(i):subsets[i] for i in range(len(subsets))}
        if feature_names is None:
            subset_dict = {str(i):i for i in range(n_features)}
            subset_dict = {str(i):feature_names[i] for i in range(len(feature_names))}

    names_list = list(subset_dict.keys())

    return {FeatureSetSelector: partial(params_feature_set_selector, names_list = names_list, subset_dict=subset_dict)}

params_feature_set_selector(trial, name=None, names_list=None, subset_dict=None)

Create a dictionary of parameters for FeatureSetSelector.


Name Type Description Default

A trial corresponds to the evaluation of a objective function.


Used for compatibility in when calling multiple optuna of multiple parameters at once.


List of names of the feature set selector. To more easily keep track of what the subsets represent. Included to prevent repeat calls to list(subset_dict.keys()) which may be slow and/or have different orderings


A dictionary of subsets. The keys are the names of the subsets and the values are the subsets.



Name Type Description
params dictionary

A dictionary of parameters for FeatureSetSelector.

Source code in tpot2/config/
def params_feature_set_selector(trial, name=None, names_list = None, subset_dict=None):
    """Create a dictionary of parameters for FeatureSetSelector.

    trial: optuna.trial.Trial
        A trial corresponds to the evaluation of a objective function.
    name: string
        Used for compatibility in when calling multiple optuna of multiple parameters at once.
    names_list: list of string
        List of names of the feature set selector. To more easily keep track of what the subsets represent.
        Included to prevent repeat calls to list(subset_dict.keys()) which may be slow and/or have different orderings
    subset_dict: dictionary
        A dictionary of subsets. The keys are the names of the subsets and the values are the subsets.

    params: dictionary
        A dictionary of parameters for FeatureSetSelector.

    subset_name = trial.suggest_categorical(f'subset_name_{name}', names_list)

    params =    {'name': subset_name,
                    'sel_subset': subset_dict[subset_name],

    return params