Source code for machine.learn.skl_utils

"""~This file is part of the Aliro library~

Copyright (C) 2023 Epistasis Lab, 
Center for Artificial Intelligence Research and Education (CAIRE),
Department of Computational Biomedicine (CBM),
Cedars-Sinai Medical Center.

Aliro is maintained by:
    - Hyunjun Choi (
    - Miguel Hernandez (
    - Nick Matsumoto (
    - Jay Moran (
    - and many other generous open source contributors

This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program.  If not, see <>.

(Autogenerated header, do not modify)

import __main__
from sys import version
import warnings
from sklearn import __version__ as skl_version
import joblib
from mlxtend.evaluate import feature_importance_permutation
from sklearn.utils import safe_sqr, check_X_y
from sklearn.pipeline import make_pipeline, Pipeline
from sklearn.compose import ColumnTransformer
from sklearn.preprocessing import OneHotEncoder, OrdinalEncoder, LabelEncoder
from sklearn.model_selection import GridSearchCV, cross_validate, StratifiedKFold, RepeatedStratifiedKFold, KFold
from sklearn.metrics import SCORERS, roc_curve, auc, make_scorer, confusion_matrix
import itertools
import json
import os
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib import rcParams
import shap
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib as mpl
from sklearn import decomposition
import matplotlib.colors as mcolors
from matplotlib.patches import Patch
from sklearn.manifold import TSNE
from sklearn.model_selection import learning_curve


# if system environment allows to export figures
figure_export = True
if 'MAKEPLOTS' in os.environ:
    if str(os.environ['MAKEPLOTS']) == '1':
        figure_export = True

# if system environment has a random seed
random_state = None
if 'RANDOM_SEED' in os.environ:
    random_state = int(os.environ['RANDOM_SEED'])
# max numbers of bar in importance_score plot and decision tree plot
max_bar_num = 10

# The maximum depth of the decision tree for plot
if 'DT_MAX_DEPTH' in os.environ:
    DT_MAX_DEPTH = int(os.environ['DT_MAX_DEPTH'])

# Number of samples used for SHAP Explainers
max_samples_kernel_explainer = 50
    max_samples_kernel_explainer = int(
max_samples_other_explainer = 100
    max_samples_other_explainer = int(

[docs]def balanced_accuracy(y_true, y_pred): """Default scoring function of classification: balanced accuracy. Balanced accuracy computes each class' accuracy on a per-class basis using a one-vs-rest encoding, then computes an unweighted average of the class accuracies. Parameters ---------- y_true: numpy.ndarray {n_samples} True class labels y_pred: numpy.ndarray {n_samples} Predicted class labels by the estimator Returns ------- fitness: float Returns a float value indicating balanced accuracy 0.5 is as good as chance, and 1.0 is perfect predictive accuracy """ all_classes = list(set(np.append(y_true, y_pred))) all_class_accuracies = [] for this_class in all_classes: this_class_sensitivity = 0. this_class_specificity = 0. if sum(y_true == this_class) != 0: this_class_sensitivity = \ float(sum((y_pred == this_class) & (y_true == this_class))) /\ float(sum((y_true == this_class))) this_class_specificity = \ float(sum((y_pred != this_class) & (y_true != this_class))) /\ float(sum((y_true != this_class))) this_class_accuracy = (this_class_sensitivity + this_class_specificity) / 2. all_class_accuracies.append(this_class_accuracy) return np.mean(all_class_accuracies)
def pearsonr(y_true, y_pred): """Scoring function: Calculates a Pearson correlation coefficient. Parameters ---------- y_true: numpy.ndarray {n_samples} True class labels y_pred: numpy.ndarray {n_samples} Predicted class labels by the estimator Returns ------- fitness: float Returns a float value indicating Pearson correlation coefficient """ from scipy.stats import pearsonr r = pearsonr(y_true, y_pred)[0] if np.isnan(r): r = 0.0 return r # make new SCORERS SCORERS['balanced_accuracy'] = make_scorer(balanced_accuracy) SCORERS['pearsonr'] = make_scorer(pearsonr) def get_column_names_from_ColumnTransformer(column_transformer, feature_names): """Get column names after applying Column Transformations Parameters ---------- column_transformer: sklearn.compose._column_transformer.ColumnTransformer A list of categorical, ordinal and remaining transformations feature_names: list of strings Original list of column/feature names Returns ------- new_feature_names: list of strings Feature names generated after column transformations """ new_feature_names = [] for transformer_in_columns in column_transformer.transformers_: _, transformer, col_indices = transformer_in_columns feature_columns = [feature_names[i] for i in col_indices] try: # Only works for OneHotEncoder transforms names = transformer.get_feature_names(feature_columns) new_feature_names += list(names) except: new_feature_names += feature_columns return new_feature_names # decision rule for choosing number of folds based on the class distribution in the given dataset def decision_rule_fold_cv_based_on_classes(each_class): """ Adjusts the number of cross-validation folds based on the class distribution. Parameters ---------- each_class : dict A dictionary where keys are the classes and the values are the number of samples per class. Returns ------- cv : int The suitable number of cross-validation folds ensuring that each fold can include instances of each class. """ # Find the minimum class count to ensure every fold can contain at least one instance of every class. min_class_count = min(each_class.values()) # The maximum number of folds is determined by the smallest class to ensure representation in each fold. # However, we cannot have more folds than the minimum class count. n_folds = min(10, min_class_count) # Starting with a default max of 10 folds # Ensure at least 2 folds for meaningful cross-validation. n_folds = max(n_folds, 2) return n_folds
[docs]def generate_results(model, input_data, tmpdir, _id, target_name='class', mode='classification', figure_export=figure_export, random_state=random_state, filename=['test_dataset'], categories=None, ordinals=None, encoding_strategy="OneHotEncoder", param_grid={} ): """Generate reaults for applying a model on dataset in Aliro. Parameters ---------- model: scikit-learn Estimator A machine learning model following scikit-learn API input_data: pandas.Dataframe or list of two pandas.Dataframe pandas.DataFrame: Aliro will use 10 fold CV to estimate train/test scroes. list of two pandas.DataFrame: The 1st pandas.DataFrame is training dataset, while the 2nd one is testing dataset target_name: string Target name in input data tmpdir: string Temporary directory for saving experiment results _id: string Experiment id mode: string 'classification': Run classification analysis 'regression': Run regression analysis figure_export: boolean If figure_export is True, the figures will be generated and exported. random_state: int Random seed filename: list Filename for input dataset categories: list List of column names for one-hot encoding ordinals: dict Dictionary of ordinal features: Keys of dictionary: categorical feature name(s) Values of dictionary: categorical values encoding_strategy: string Encoding strategy for categorical features defined in projects.json param_grid: dict If grid_search is non-empty dictionary, then the experiment will do parameter tuning via GridSearchCV. It should report best result to UI and save all results to knowlegde base. Returns ------- None """ print('loading..') if isinstance(input_data, list): training_data = input_data[0] testing_data = input_data[1] input_data = pd.concat([training_data, testing_data]) train_rows = training_data.shape[0] total_rows = input_data.shape[0] cv = [ np.array( range(train_rows)), np.array( range( train_rows, total_rows))] else: cv = 10 feature_names = np.array( [x for x in input_data.columns.values if x != target_name]) num_classes = input_data[target_name].unique().shape[0] # calculate number of each class each_class = input_data[target_name].value_counts() features = input_data.drop(target_name, axis=1).values target = input_data[target_name].values target_arr = np.array(target) len_target = len(target_arr) classes = list(set(target)) class_perc = {} for OneClass in classes: occ = np.count_nonzero(target_arr == OneClass) class_perc["class_"+str(OneClass)] = occ/len_target file_name = "class_percentage" + ".json" # show percentage of each class save_json_fmt(outdir=tmpdir, _id=_id, fname=file_name, content=class_perc) features, target = check_X_y( features, target, dtype=None, order="C", force_all_finite=True) # fix random_state model = setup_model_params(model, 'random_state', random_state) # set class_weight model = setup_model_params(model, 'class_weight', 'balanced') # use OneHotEncoder or OrdinalEncoder to convert categorical features if categories or ordinals: transform_cols = [] feature_names_list = list(feature_names) if categories: col_idx = get_col_idx(feature_names_list, categories) if encoding_strategy == "OneHotEncoder": transform_cols.append( ("categorical_encoder", OneHotEncoder( handle_unknown='ignore'), col_idx)) elif encoding_strategy == "OrdinalEncoder": ordinal_map = OrdinalEncoder().fit( features[:, col_idx]).categories_ transform_cols.append( ("categorical_encoder", OrdinalEncoder( categories=ordinal_map), col_idx)) if ordinals: ordinal_features = sorted(list(ordinals.keys())) col_idx = get_col_idx(feature_names_list, ordinal_features) ordinal_map = [ordinals[k] for k in ordinal_features] transform_cols.append(("ordinalencoder", OrdinalEncoder(categories=ordinal_map), col_idx)) ct = ColumnTransformer( transformers=transform_cols, remainder='passthrough', sparse_threshold=0 ) model = make_pipeline(ct, model) scores = {} # print('Args used in model:', model.get_params()) if mode == "classification": if (num_classes > 2): scoring = ["balanced_accuracy", "precision_macro", "recall_macro", "f1_macro"] scores['roc_auc_score'] = 'not supported for multiclass' scores['train_roc_auc_score'] = 'not supported for multiclass' else: # # scoring = ["balanced_accuracy", # "precision", # "recall", # "f1", # "roc_auc"] scoring = ["balanced_accuracy", "precision", "recall", "f1", "roc_auc"] metric = "accuracy" else: scoring = ["r2", "neg_mean_squared_error", "neg_mean_absolute_error", "explained_variance", "pearsonr"] metric = 'r2' with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.simplefilter('ignore') if param_grid: print("param_grid") if isinstance(model, Pipeline): parameters = {} for key, val in param_grid.items(): step_name = model.steps[-1][0] pipe_key = "{}__{}".format(step_name, key) parameters[pipe_key] = val else: parameters = param_grid clf = GridSearchCV(estimator=model, param_grid=parameters, scoring=metric, cv=5, refit=True, verbose=0, error_score=-float('inf'), return_train_score=True), target) cv_results = clf.cv_results_ # rename params name from pipeline object fmt_result = [] for param, ts in zip( cv_results['params'], cv_results['mean_train_score']): row_dict = {'mean_train_score': ts} for key, val in param.items(): row_dict[key.split('__')[-1]] = val fmt_result.append(row_dict) fmt_result = pd.DataFrame(fmt_result) fmt_result_file = '{0}{1}/grid_search_results_{1}.csv'.format( tmpdir, _id) fmt_result.to_csv(fmt_result_file, index=False) model = clf.best_estimator_ else: print("param_grid else") plot_learning_curve(tmpdir, _id, model, features, target, cv, return_times=True), target) cv_scores = cross_validate( estimator=model, X=features, y=target, scoring=scoring, # cv = stratified_cv, cv = cv, return_train_score=True, return_estimator=True ) for s in scoring: train_scores = cv_scores['train_' + s] test_scores = cv_scores['test_' + s] print("train_scores", train_scores) print("test_scores", test_scores) # if abs(train_scores.mean()) is np.nan OR abs(test_scores.mean()) is np.nan if np.isnan(abs(train_scores.mean())) or np.isnan(abs(test_scores.mean())): print("777-NaN") print("train_scores", train_scores) print("test_scores", test_scores) # remove _macro score_name = s.replace('_macro', '') # make balanced_accuracy as default score if score_name in ["balanced_accuracy", "neg_mean_squared_error"]: scores['train_score'] = abs(train_scores.mean()) scores['test_score'] = abs(test_scores.mean()) # Temporary fix to handle NaN values if np.isnan(scores['train_score']): scores['train_score'] = np.nanmean(train_scores) if np.isnan(scores['test_score']): scores['test_score'] = np.nanmean(test_scores) # for api will fix later if score_name == "balanced_accuracy": scores['accuracy_score'] = test_scores.mean() # Temporary fix to handle NaN values if np.nanmean(test_scores)!=np.nan: scores['accuracy_score'] = np.nanmean(test_scores) else: scores['accuracy_score'] = 0 # for experiment tables if score_name == "balanced_accuracy" or score_name == "r2": scores['exp_table_score'] = test_scores.mean() # Temporary fix to handle NaN values if np.nanmean(test_scores)!=np.nan: scores['exp_table_score'] = np.nanmean(test_scores) else: scores['exp_table_score'] = 0 if score_name in ["neg_mean_squared_error", "neg_mean_absolute_error"]: scores['train_{}_score'.format(score_name)] = abs( train_scores.mean()) # Temporary fix to handle NaN values if np.nanmean(train_scores)!=np.nan: scores['train_{}_score'.format(score_name)] = np.nanmean( train_scores) else: scores['train_{}_score'.format(score_name)] = 0 scores['{}_score'.format(score_name)] = abs(test_scores.mean()) # Temporary fix to handle NaN values if np.nanmean(test_scores)!=np.nan: scores['{}_score'.format(score_name)] = np.nanmean(test_scores) else: scores['{}_score'.format(score_name)] = 0 else: scores['train_{}_score'.format(score_name)] = train_scores.mean() # Temporary fix to handle NaN values if np.nanmean(train_scores)!=np.nan: scores['train_{}_score'.format(score_name)] = np.nanmean( train_scores) else: scores['train_{}_score'.format(score_name)] = 0 scores['{}_score'.format(score_name)] = test_scores.mean() # Temporary fix to handle NaN values if np.nanmean(test_scores)!=np.nan: scores['{}_score'.format(score_name)] = np.nanmean(test_scores) else: scores['{}_score'.format(score_name)] = 0 # dump fitted module as pickle file export_model(tmpdir, _id, model, filename, target_name, mode, random_state) # get predicted classes predicted_classes = model.predict(features) # exporting/computing importance score coefs, imp_score_type = compute_imp_score(model, metric, features, target, random_state) feature_importances = { 'feature_names': feature_names.tolist(), 'feature_importances': coefs.tolist(), 'feature_importance_type': imp_score_type } print("feature_importances", feature_importances) top_feature_importances = {} # if size of feature_importances is greater than 10, then # only top 10 features whose feature_importances are greater than 0 are returned if len(feature_importances['feature_importances']) > 10: for i in range(len(feature_importances['feature_importances'])): if feature_importances['feature_importances'][i] >= 0: top_feature_importances[feature_importances['feature_names'] [i]] = feature_importances['feature_importances'][i] # sort the dictionary in descending order of feature_importances top_feature_importances = dict( sorted(top_feature_importances.items(), key=lambda item: item[1], reverse=True)) # get top 10 features top_feature_importances = dict( list(top_feature_importances.items())[:10]) top_feature_importances = { 'feature_names': list(top_feature_importances.keys()), 'feature_importances': list(top_feature_importances.values()), 'feature_importance_type': imp_score_type } feature_importances = top_feature_importances save_json_fmt( outdir=tmpdir, _id=_id, fname="feature_importances.json", content=feature_importances) dtree_train_score = None if figure_export: top_features_names, indices = plot_imp_score( tmpdir, _id, coefs, feature_names, imp_score_type) if not categories and not ordinals: dtree_train_score = plot_dot_plot(tmpdir, _id, features, target, top_features_names, indices, random_state, mode) # save metrics scores['dtree_train_score'] = dtree_train_score if mode == 'classification': plot_confusion_matrix(tmpdir, _id, features, target, model.classes_, cv_scores, figure_export) plot_pca_2d(tmpdir, _id, features, target) # plot_pca_3d(tmpdir,_id,features,target) # plot_pca_3d_iris(tmpdir,_id,features,target) plot_tsne_2d(tmpdir, _id, features, target) if type(model).__name__ == 'Pipeline': step_names = [step[0] for step in model.steps] column_transformer = model[step_names[0]] classifier_model = model[step_names[1]] modified_feature_names = get_column_names_from_ColumnTransformer( column_transformer, feature_names) modified_features = column_transformer.transform(features.copy()) plot_shap_analysis_curve(tmpdir, _id, classifier_model, modified_features, modified_feature_names, classifier_model.classes_, target) else: plot_shap_analysis_curve(tmpdir, _id, model, features.copy(), # Send a copy of features as it may get modified feature_names, model.classes_, target) if num_classes == 2: plot_roc_curve( tmpdir, _id, features, target, cv_scores, figure_export) else: # regression if figure_export: plot_cv_pred(tmpdir, _id, features, target, cv_scores) metrics_dict = {'_scores': scores} value_file_name = "value" + ".json" save_json_fmt(outdir=tmpdir, _id=_id, fname=value_file_name, content=metrics_dict) prediction_dict = {'prediction_values': predicted_classes.tolist()} prediction_file_name = "prediction_values" + ".json" save_json_fmt(outdir=tmpdir, _id=_id, fname=prediction_file_name, content=prediction_dict)
[docs]def get_col_idx(feature_names_list, columns): """Get unique indexes of columns based on list of column names. Parameters ---------- feature_names_list: list List of column names on dataset columns: list List of selected column names Returns ------- col_idx: list list of selected column indexes """ return [feature_names_list.index(c) for c in columns]
[docs]def setup_model_params(model, parameter_name, value): """Assign value to a parameter in a model. Parameters ---------- model: scikit-learn Estimator Machine learning model following scikit-learn API parameter_name: string Parameter name in the scikit-learn model value: object Values for assigning to the parameter Returns ------- model: scikit-learn Estimator A new scikit-learn model with a updated parameter """ # fix random_state if hasattr(model, parameter_name): setattr(model, parameter_name, value) return model
[docs]def compute_imp_score(model, metric, features, target, random_state): """Compute permuation importance scores for features. Parameters ---------- tmpdir: string Temporary directory for saving experiment results model: scikit-learn Estimator A fitted scikit-learn model metric: str, callable The metric for evaluating the feature importance through permutation. By default, the strings 'accuracy' is recommended for classifiers and the string 'r2' is recommended for regressors. Optionally, a custom scoring function (e.g., `metric=scoring_func`) that accepts two arguments, y_true and y_pred, which have similar shape to the `y` array. features: np.darray/pd.DataFrame Features in training dataset target: np.darray/pd.DataFrame Target in training dataset random_state: int Random seed for permuation importances Returns ------- coefs: np.darray Feature importance scores imp_score_type: string Importance score type """ coefs, _ = feature_importance_permutation( predict_method=model.predict, X=features, y=target, num_rounds=5, metric=metric, seed=random_state, ) imp_score_type = "Permutation Feature Importance" return coefs, imp_score_type
[docs]def save_json_fmt(outdir, _id, fname, content): """Save results into json format. Parameters ---------- outdir: string Path of output directory _id: string Experiment ID in Aliro fname: string File name content: list or directory Content for results Returns ------- None """ expdir = outdir + _id + '/' with open(os.path.join(expdir, fname), 'w') as outfile: json.dump(content, outfile)
[docs]def plot_confusion_matrix( tmpdir, _id, X, y, class_names, cv_scores, figure_export): """Make plot for confusion matrix. Parameters ---------- tmpdir: string Temporary directory for saving experiment results _id: string Experiment ID in Aliro X: np.darray/pd.DataFrame Features in training dataset y: np.darray/pd.DataFrame Target in training dataset class_names: list List of class names cv_scores: dictionary Return from sklearn.model_selection.cross_validate figure_export: boolean If true, then export roc curve plot Returns ------- None """ pred_y = np.empty(y.shape) cv = StratifiedKFold(n_splits=10) # Temporary fix to handle NaN values # cv = StratifiedKFold(n_splits=8) for cv_split, est in zip(cv.split(X, y), cv_scores['estimator']): train, test = cv_split pred_y[test] = est.predict(X[test]) cnf_matrix = confusion_matrix( y, pred_y, labels=class_names) cnf_matrix_dict = { 'cnf_matrix': cnf_matrix.tolist(), 'class_names': class_names.tolist() } file_name = "cnf_matrix" + ".json" save_json_fmt(outdir=tmpdir, _id=_id, fname=file_name, content=cnf_matrix_dict) # export plot if figure_export: cm = cnf_matrix classes = class_names np.set_printoptions(precision=2) plt.figure() plt.imshow(cm, interpolation='nearest', plt.title('Confusion Matrix') tick_marks = np.arange(len(classes)) plt.xticks(tick_marks, classes, rotation=45) plt.yticks(tick_marks, classes) thresh = cm.max() / 2. for i, j in itertools.product(range(cm.shape[0]), range(cm.shape[1])): plt.text(j, i, cm[i, j], ha="center", va="center", color="gray" if cm[i, j] > thresh else "black") plt.subplots_adjust(bottom=0.15) plt.ylabel('True label') plt.xlabel('Predicted label') plt.savefig(tmpdir + _id + '/confusion_matrix' + '.png') plt.close()
def get_example_subset(y_predictions, y_true, select_class): """ Returns a subset of positive and negative example indices for a given class along with misclassified labels. Parameters ---------- y_predictions: List Denotes model predictions for the test set y_true: List Denotes true labels for the test set select_class: Integer The class ID of the positive class """ y_predictions = pd.Series(y_predictions) y_true = pd.Series(y_true) y_pos = y_true[y_true == select_class] y_neg = y_true[y_true != select_class] num_positive = min(10, len(y_pos)) num_negative = min(10, len(y_neg)) examples = pd.Series([], dtype='int') if num_positive != 0: examples = examples.append(y_pos.sample(n=num_positive)) if num_negative != 0: examples = examples.append(y_neg.sample(n=num_negative)) y_predictions_subset = y_predictions[examples.index] y_true_subset = y_true[examples.index] misclassified = y_predictions_subset != y_true_subset return list(examples.index), misclassified def plot_shap_analysis_curve( tmpdir, _id, model, features, feature_names, class_names, target, n_features=20 ): """ Generate SHAP Analysis for Classification models Parameters ---------- tmpdir: string Temporary directory for saving experiment results _id: string Experiment ID in Aliro model: scikit-learn estimator A fitted scikit-learn model features: np.darray/pd.DataFrame Features in training dataset feature_names: np.array List of feature names class_names: list List of class names target: np.darray Target in test dataset n_features: int Maximum count of features to use for the plots """ # Ensure that images are saved properly rcParams.update({'figure.autolayout': True}) # SHAP value calculation raises error if dtype is non-numeric features = np.array(features).astype('float64') # Determine model name for sklearn-based models model_name = type(model).__name__.lower() # convert target to Pandas Series type if not already y_test = pd.Series(target) # Sample 100 examples for Tree Explainer / Linear Explainer if model_name in ['decisiontreeclassifier', 'randomforestclassifier', 'logisticregression', 'linearsvc']: max_num_samples = max_samples_other_explainer elif model_name == 'gradientboostingclassifier' and len(class_names) == 2: max_num_samples = max_samples_other_explainer # Sample 50 examples for Kernel Explainer else: max_num_samples = max_samples_kernel_explainer num_samples = min(max_num_samples, len(features)) sampled_row_indices = np.random.choice( features.shape[0], size=num_samples, replace=False) features = features[sampled_row_indices] y_test = y_test[sampled_row_indices].reset_index(drop=True) # Select explainer and set shap values if model_name in ['decisiontreeclassifier', 'randomforestclassifier']: explainer = shap.TreeExplainer(model) shap_values = explainer.shap_values(features) expected_values = explainer.expected_value elif model_name == 'gradientboostingclassifier' and len(class_names) == 2: # Gradient Boosting Tree Explainer is only supported for Binary Classification explainer = shap.TreeExplainer(model) shap_values = explainer.shap_values(features) expected_values = explainer.expected_value elif 'linear' in model_name or 'logistic' in model_name: # Supports Logistic Regression, LinearSVC explainer = shap.LinearExplainer(model, features) shap_values = explainer.shap_values(features) expected_values = explainer.expected_value elif 'svc' in model_name: # Handle special case for SVC (probability=False) return else: # KernelExplainer explainer = shap.KernelExplainer(model.predict_proba, features) # l1_reg not set to 'auto' to subside warnings shap_values = explainer.shap_values( features, l1_reg='num_features(10)') expected_values = explainer.expected_value # Generate predictions for the final features y_predictions = pd.Series(model.predict(features)) # Determine link for decision plot if 'linear' in model_name or 'logistic' in model_name: link = 'logit' else: link = 'identity' # Handle the case of multi-class SHAP outputs if isinstance(shap_values, list): for i, class_name in enumerate(class_names): save_path = tmpdir + _id + '/shap_summary_curve' + \ _id + '_' + str(class_name) + '_.png' examples_subset_index, misclassified = get_example_subset( y_predictions, y_test, i) combine_summary_decision_curve( shap_values[i], expected_values[i], features, feature_names, n_features, examples_subset_index, misclassified, link, save_path ) else: save_path = tmpdir + _id + '/shap_summary_curve' + _id + '_0_.png' examples_subset_index, misclassified = get_example_subset( y_predictions, y_test, class_names[1]) combine_summary_decision_curve( shap_values, expected_values, features, feature_names, n_features, examples_subset_index, misclassified, link, save_path ) # Summary stats shap_summary_dict = { 'shap_explainer': explainer.__class__.__name__, 'shap_num_samples': num_samples, # 'shap_values': shap_values } file_name = 'shap_summary_curve' + '.png' save_json_fmt(outdir=tmpdir, _id=_id, fname=file_name, content=shap_summary_dict) def combine_summary_decision_curve( shap_value, expected_value, features, feature_names, n_features, examples_subset_index, misclassified, link, save_path ): """ Generate a combined SHAP Summary and Decision Plot Parameters ---------- shap_value: np.ndarray SHAP value for a particular output class expected_value: float Average of the classifier/model output over training dataset features: np.ndarray Features in testing dataset feature_names: np.array List of feature names n_features: int Maximum count of features to use for the plots examples_subset_index: list of indices Samples to select for the decision plot misclassified: list of Boolean values Denotes which selected samples are misclassified (set to true) link: string Link type to be used for the decision plot save_path: string File path where the plot will be saved """ figsize = (12, 6) fig, (ax1, ax2) = plt.subplots(1, 2, figsize=figsize) # Generate Summary plot shap.summary_plot(shap_value, features=features, feature_names=feature_names, sort=True, show=False, max_display=n_features) # Generate Decision plot plt.gcf().set_size_inches(figsize) feature_order = np.argsort(np.sum(np.abs(shap_value), axis=0)) shap.decision_plot(expected_value, shap_value[examples_subset_index], features[examples_subset_index, :], feature_names=list(feature_names), feature_display_range=slice( None, -(n_features + 1), -1), ignore_warnings=True, highlight=misclassified, show=False, plot_color='viridis', feature_order=feature_order, link=link) plt.plot([0.5, 0.5], [0, n_features], ':k', alpha=0.3) ax2.set_yticklabels([]) plt.savefig(save_path) plt.close() # After switching to dynamic charts, possibly disable outputting graphs # from this function
[docs]def plot_roc_curve(tmpdir, _id, X, y, cv_scores, figure_export): """ Plot ROC Curve. Parameters ---------- tmpdir: string Temporary directory for saving experiment results _id: string Experiment ID in Aliro X: np.darray/pd.DataFrame Features in training dataset y: np.darray/pd.DataFrame Target in training dataset cv_scores: dictionary Return from sklearn.model_selection.cross_validate figure_export: boolean If true, then export roc curve plot Returns ------- None """ from scipy import interp from scipy.stats import sem, t cv = StratifiedKFold(n_splits=10) # Temporary fix to handle NaN values # cv = StratifiedKFold(n_splits=8) tprs = [] aucs = [] mean_fpr = np.linspace(0, 1, 100) for cv_split, est in zip(cv.split(X, y), cv_scores['estimator']): train, test = cv_split try: probas_ = est.predict_proba(X[test])[:, 1] except AttributeError: probas_ = est.decision_function(X[test]) # print(SCORERS['roc_auc'](est, X[train], y[train])) # Compute ROC curve and area the curve classes_encoded = np.array( [list(est.classes_).index(c) for c in y[test]], ) # print("Each classes_encoded:", classes_encoded) fpr, tpr, thresholds = roc_curve(classes_encoded, probas_) # Temporary fix to handle NaN values # When the given data is extremely unbalanced, as illustrated by the example where classes_encoded consists solely of the class 0, both true positives (TP) and false negatives (FN) are zero. Consequently, the true positive rate (TPR) is calculated as TPR = TP / (TP + FN), which results in an undefined value (NaN) due to division by zero. In the specific scenario provided, where roc_curve([0,0,0], [0,0.9,0]) is called, it highlights a situation with no positive instances present in the true labels. For purposes of data visualization or further analysis where a numerical value is required, this NaN value is replaced with 0 to indicate the absence of true positives under these conditions. fpr = np.nan_to_num(fpr) tpr = np.nan_to_num(tpr) tprs.append(interp(mean_fpr, fpr, tpr)) tprs[-1][0] = 0.0 roc_auc = auc(fpr, tpr) aucs.append(roc_auc) if figure_export: plt.plot(fpr, tpr, lw=1, alpha=0.3) mean_tpr = np.mean(tprs, axis=0) mean_tpr[-1] = 1.0 mean_auc = auc(mean_fpr, mean_tpr) std_auc = np.std(aucs) std_err = sem(tprs, axis=0) h = std_err * t.ppf(1.95 / 2, len(mean_tpr) - 1) tprs_upper = np.minimum(mean_tpr + h, 1) tprs_lower = np.maximum(mean_tpr - h, 0) if figure_export: plt.plot([0, 1], [0, 1], linestyle='--', lw=2, color='r', label='Chance', alpha=.8) plt.plot( mean_fpr, mean_tpr, color='b', label=r'Mean ROC (AUC = %0.2f $\pm$ %0.2f)' % (mean_auc, std_auc), lw=2, alpha=.8) plt.fill_between( mean_fpr, tprs_lower, tprs_upper, color='grey', alpha=.2, label=r'95% Confidence Interval') plt.xlim([-0.05, 1.05]) plt.ylim([-0.05, 1.05]) plt.xlabel('False Positive Rate') plt.ylabel('True Positive Rate') plt.title('ROC curve') plt.legend(loc="lower right") plt.savefig(tmpdir + _id + '/roc_curve' + '.png') plt.close() roc_curve_dict = { 'fpr': mean_fpr.tolist(), 'tpr': mean_tpr.tolist(), 'roc_auc_score': mean_auc } print("roc_curve_dict:", roc_curve_dict) file_name = 'roc_curve' + '.json' save_json_fmt(outdir=tmpdir, _id=_id, fname=file_name, content=roc_curve_dict)
[docs]def plot_imp_score(tmpdir, _id, coefs, feature_names, imp_score_type): """Plot importance scores for features. Parameters ---------- tmpdir: string Temporary directory for saving experiment results _id: string Experiment ID in Aliro coefs: array Feature importance scores feature_names: np.array List of feature names imp_score_type: string Importance score type Returns ------- top_features: list Top features with high importance score indices: ndarray Array of indices of top important features """ # plot bar charts for top important features num_bar = min(max_bar_num, len(coefs)) indices = np.argsort(coefs)[-num_bar:] h = plt.figure() plt.title(imp_score_type) plt.barh(range(num_bar), coefs[indices], color="r", align="center") top_features = list(feature_names[indices]) plt.yticks(range(num_bar), feature_names[indices]) plt.ylim([-1, num_bar]) h.tight_layout() plt.savefig(tmpdir + _id + '/imp_score' + '.png') plt.close() return top_features, indices
[docs]def plot_learning_curve(tmpdir, _id, model, features, target, cv, return_times=True): """Make learning curve. Parameters ---------- tmpdir: string Temporary directory for saving experiment results _id: string Experiment ID in Aliro model: user specified model features: np.darray/pd.DataFrame Features in training dataset target: np.darray/pd.DataFrame Target in training dataset cv: int, cross-validation generator or an iterable Returns ------- None """ features = np.array(features) target = np.array(target) target[target == -1] = 0 train_sizes, train_scores, test_scores, fit_times, _ = learning_curve( model, features, target, None, np.linspace(0.1, 1.0, 5), cv, return_times=True) plt.xlabel("Training examples") plt.ylabel("Score") plt.ylim([-0.05, 1.05]) train_scores_mean = np.mean(train_scores, axis=1) train_scores_std = np.std(train_scores, axis=1) test_scores_mean = np.mean(test_scores, axis=1) test_scores_std = np.std(test_scores, axis=1) plt.grid() plt.fill_between(train_sizes, train_scores_mean - train_scores_std, train_scores_mean + train_scores_std, alpha=0.1, color="r") plt.fill_between(train_sizes, test_scores_mean - test_scores_std, test_scores_mean + test_scores_std, alpha=0.1, color="b") plt.plot(train_sizes, np.mean(train_scores, axis=1), 'r', label=r'Training score') plt.plot(train_sizes, np.mean(test_scores, axis=1), 'b', label=r'Cross-validation score') plt.title('Learning curve') plt.legend(loc='best') plt.savefig(tmpdir + _id + '/learning_curve' + '.png') plt.close() if np.isnan(train_sizes.tolist()).all(): # replace nan with -1 train_sizes = np.nan_to_num(train_sizes, nan=-1) if np.isnan(train_scores.tolist()).all(): # replace nan with -1 train_scores = np.nan_to_num(train_scores, nan=-1) if np.isnan(test_scores.tolist()).all(): # replace nan with -1 test_scores = np.nan_to_num(test_scores, nan=-1) # temp solution for nan values train_sizes = np.nan_to_num(train_sizes, nan=-1) train_scores = np.nan_to_num(train_scores, nan=-1) test_scores = np.nan_to_num(test_scores, nan=-1) print("train_sizes.tolist():", train_sizes.tolist()) print("train_scores.tolist():", train_scores.tolist()) print("test_scores.tolist():", test_scores.tolist()) learning_curve_dict = { 'train_sizes': train_sizes.tolist(), 'train_scores': train_scores.tolist(), 'test_scores': test_scores.tolist() } file_name = 'learning_curve' + '.json' save_json_fmt(outdir=tmpdir, _id=_id, fname=file_name, content=learning_curve_dict)
[docs]def plot_pca_2d(tmpdir, _id, features, target): """Make PCA on 2D. Parameters ---------- tmpdir: string Temporary directory for saving 2d pca plot and json file _id: string Experiment ID in Aliro features: np.darray/pd.DataFrame Features in training dataset target: np.darray/pd.DataFrame Target in training dataset Returns ------- None """ X = np.array(features) y = np.array(target) print(set(y)) plt.cla() pca = decomposition.PCA(n_components=2) # pca = decomposition.PCA(n_components=2) X = pca.transform(X) num_classes = len(set(y)) # generate the number of colors equal to the number of classes colors =, 1, num_classes)) plt.scatter(X[:, 0], X[:, 1], c=y, cmap=mcolors.ListedColormap(colors)) # plot the legend where the colors are mapped to the classes plt.legend(handles=[Patch(color=colors[i], label="class_"+str(i)) for i in range(num_classes)]) # write x axis as pc1 and y axis as pc2 plt.xlabel('PC1') plt.ylabel('PC2') plt.savefig(tmpdir + _id + '/pca' + '.png') plt.close() # save X and y to json file pca_dict = { 'X_pca': X.tolist(), 'y_pca': y.tolist() } file_name = 'pca-json' + '.json' # save json file save_json_fmt(outdir=tmpdir, _id=_id, fname=file_name, content=pca_dict)
def plot_pca_3d(tmpdir, _id, features, target): # import numpy as np # import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # from sklearn import datasets # np.random.seed(5) # iris = datasets.load_iris() X = np.array(features) y = np.array(target) y[y == -1] = 0 fig = plt.figure(1, figsize=(4, 3)) plt.clf() ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection="3d", elev=48, azim=134) # ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection="2d", elev=48, azim=134) ax.set_position([0, 0, 0.95, 1]) plt.cla() pca = decomposition.PCA(n_components=3) # pca = decomposition.PCA(n_components=2) X = pca.transform(X) # for name, label in [("Setosa", 0), ("Versicolour", 1), ("Virginica", 2)]: # ax.text3D( # X[y == label, 0].mean(), # X[y == label, 1].mean() + 1.5, # X[y == label, 2].mean(), # name, # horizontalalignment="center", # bbox=dict(alpha=0.5, edgecolor="w", facecolor="w"), # ) classes_y = list(set(y)) for each_classes_y in classes_y: name_label = (str(each_classes_y), each_classes_y) name = name_label[0] label = name_label[1] ax.text3D( X[y == label, 0].mean(), # X[y == label, 1].mean() + 1.5, X[y == label, 1].mean() + 1.0, X[y == label, 2].mean(), name, horizontalalignment="center", bbox=dict(alpha=0.5, edgecolor="w", facecolor="w"), ) # for name, label in [("0", 0), ("1", 1)]: # ax.text3D( # X[y == label, 0].mean(), # # X[y == label, 1].mean() + 1.5, # X[y == label, 1].mean() + 1.0, # X[y == label, 2].mean(), # name, # horizontalalignment="center", # bbox=dict(alpha=0.5, edgecolor="w", facecolor="w"), # ) # Reorder the labels to have colors matching the cluster results # y = np.choose(y, [1, 2, 0]).astype(float) # ax.scatter(X[:, 0], X[:, 1], X[:, 2], c=y,, edgecolor="k") # y = np.choose(y, [0, 1]).astype(float) # convert y type to float y = y.astype(float) # y = np.choose(y, [0, 1]).astype(float) print(y) ax.scatter(X[:, 0], X[:, 1], X[:, 2], c=y,, edgecolor="k") # ax.scatter(X[:, 0], X[:, 1], X[:, 2], c=y) # show which color is which class label based on scatter plot print("X") print(X) # write x axis as pc1 and y axis as pc2 ax.set_xlabel('PC1') ax.set_ylabel('PC2') ax.set_zlabel('PC3') ax.w_xaxis.set_ticklabels([]) ax.w_yaxis.set_ticklabels([]) ax.w_zaxis.set_ticklabels([]) # plt.savefig(tmpdir + _id + '/pca' + '.png') plt.close()
[docs]def plot_tsne_2d(tmpdir, _id, features, target): """Make tsne on 2D. Parameters ---------- tmpdir: string Temporary directory for saving 2d t-sne plot and json file _id: string Experiment ID in Aliro features: np.darray/pd.DataFrame Features in training dataset target: np.darray/pd.DataFrame Target in training dataset Returns ------- None """ tsne = TSNE(n_components=2, verbose=1, random_state=123) X_2d = tsne.fit_transform(features) # version 2 num_classes = len(set(target)) # generate the number of colors equal to the number of classes colors =, 1, num_classes)) plt.scatter(X_2d[:, 0], X_2d[:, 1], c=target, cmap=mcolors.ListedColormap(colors)) # plot the legend where the colors are mapped to the classes plt.legend(handles=[Patch(color=colors[i], label="class_"+str(i)) for i in range(num_classes)]) # write x axis as pc1 and y axis as pc2 plt.xlabel('comp-1') plt.ylabel('comp-2') # plt.savefig(tmpdir + _id + '/tsne' + '.png') plt.close() # save X and y to json file # X_tsne is 2d array, which is 2d t-sne plot. # y_tsne is 1d array, which is class label. tsne_dict = { 'X_tsne': X_2d.tolist(), 'y_tsne': target.tolist() } file_name = 'tsne-json' + '.json' # save json file save_json_fmt(outdir=tmpdir, _id=_id, fname=file_name, content=tsne_dict)
[docs]def plot_dot_plot(tmpdir, _id, features, target, top_features_name, indices, random_state, mode): """Make dot plot for based on decision tree. Parameters ---------- tmpdir: string Temporary directory for saving experiment results _id: string Experiment ID in Aliro features: np.darray/pd.DataFrame Features in training dataset target: np.darray/pd.DataFrame Target in training dataset top_features: list Top feature_names indices: ndarray Array of indices of top important features random_state: int Random seed for permuation importances mode: string 'classification': Run classification analysis 'regression': Run regression analysis Returns ------- dtree_train_score, float Test score from fitting decision tree on top important feat' """ # plot bar charts for top important features import pydot from sklearn.tree import export_graphviz top_features = features[:, indices] if mode == 'classification': from sklearn.tree import DecisionTreeClassifier dtree = DecisionTreeClassifier(random_state=random_state, max_depth=DT_MAX_DEPTH) scoring = SCORERS['balanced_accuracy'] else: from sklearn.tree import DecisionTreeRegressor dtree = DecisionTreeRegressor(random_state=random_state, max_depth=DT_MAX_DEPTH) scoring = SCORERS["neg_mean_squared_error"], target) dtree_train_score = scoring( dtree, top_features, target) dot_file = '{0}{1}/dtree_{1}.dot'.format(tmpdir, _id) png_file = '{0}{1}/dtree_{1}.png'.format(tmpdir, _id) class_names = None if mode == 'classification': class_names = [str(i) for i in dtree.classes_] export_graphviz(dtree, out_file=dot_file, feature_names=top_features_name, class_names=class_names, filled=True, rounded=True, special_characters=True) (graph,) = pydot.graph_from_dot_file(dot_file) graph.write_png(png_file) return dtree_train_score
def plot_cv_pred(tmpdir, _id, X, y, cv_scores): """ Plot Cross-Validated Predictions and Residuals. Parameters ---------- tmpdir: string Temporary directory for saving experiment results _id: string Experiment ID in Aliro X: np.darray/pd.DataFrame Features in training dataset y: np.darray/pd.DataFrame Target in training dataset cv_scores: dictionary Return from sklearn.model_selection.cross_validate Returns ------- None """ pred_y = np.empty(y.shape) resi_y = np.empty(y.shape) cv = KFold(n_splits=10) for cv_split, est in zip(cv.split(X, y), cv_scores['estimator']): train, test = cv_split pred_y[test] = est.predict(X[test]) resi_y[test] = pred_y[test] - y[test] fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(8, 6), dpi=300) ax.set_title("10-Fold Cross-Validated Predictions") ax.scatter(y, pred_y, edgecolors=(0, 0, 0)) ax.set_xlabel('Observed Values') ax.set_ylabel('Predicted Values') x = np.linspace(*ax.get_xlim()) ax.plot(x, x, color="red", linestyle='dashed') plt.tight_layout() plt.savefig(tmpdir + _id + '/reg_cv_pred' + '.png') plt.close() fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize=(8, 6), dpi=300) ax.set_title("10-Fold Cross-Validated Residuals") ax.scatter(pred_y, resi_y, edgecolors=(0, 0, 0)) ax.set_xlabel('Predicted Values') ax.set_ylabel('Residuals') ax.axhline(y=0.0, color="red", linestyle='dashed') plt.tight_layout() plt.savefig(tmpdir + _id + '/reg_cv_resi' + '.png') plt.close() fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize=(8, 6), dpi=300) # add q-q plot for normalized CV residuals from scipy.stats import probplot z = (resi_y - np.mean(resi_y)) / np.std(resi_y) series1 = probplot(z, dist="norm") ax.scatter(series1[0][0], series1[0][1], edgecolors=(0, 0, 0)) ax.set_title("Q-Q Plot for Normalized Residuals") x = np.linspace(*ax.get_xlim()) ax.plot(x, x, color="red", linestyle='dashed') ax.set_xlabel('Theoretical Quantiles') ax.set_ylabel('Ordered Normalized Residuals') plt.tight_layout() plt.savefig(tmpdir + _id + '/reg_cv_qq' + '.png') plt.close() # observed (y) vs predicted (pred_y) # combine y, pred_y # Cross-Validated Predictions CVP_2d = list(map(list, zip(y.tolist(), pred_y.tolist()))) # same length as pred_y but it has 1 CVP_2d_class = np.zeros(len(pred_y)) # pred_y vs resi_y # Cross-Validated Residuals CVR_2d = list(map(list, zip(pred_y.tolist(), resi_y.tolist()))) CVR_2d_class = np.zeros(len(pred_y)) # series1[0][0] vs series1[0][1] # Q-Q Plot for Normalized Residuals QQNR_2d = list(map(list, zip(series1[0][0], series1[0][1]))) QQNR_2d_class = np.zeros(len(series1[0][0])) # reg_cv_pred_resi_qq = { # 'CVP_2d': CVP_2d, # 'CVP_2d_class': CVP_2d_class.tolist(), # 'CVR_2d': CVR_2d, # 'CVR_2d_class': CVR_2d_class.tolist(), # 'QQNR_2d': QQNR_2d, # 'QQNR_2d_class': QQNR_2d_class.tolist(), # } # file_name = "reg_cv_pred_resi_qq" + ".json" # save_json_fmt(outdir=tmpdir, _id=_id, # fname=file_name, content=reg_cv_pred_resi_qq) # cvp reg_cvp = { 'CVP_2d': CVP_2d, 'CVP_2d_class': CVP_2d_class.tolist() } cvp_file_name = "reg_cvp" + ".json" save_json_fmt(outdir=tmpdir, _id=_id, fname=cvp_file_name, content=reg_cvp) # cvr reg_cvr = { 'CVR_2d': CVR_2d, 'CVR_2d_class': CVR_2d_class.tolist() } cvr_file_name = "reg_cvr" + ".json" save_json_fmt(outdir=tmpdir, _id=_id, fname=cvr_file_name, content=reg_cvr) # qqnr reg_qqnr = { 'QQNR_2d': QQNR_2d, 'QQNR_2d_class': QQNR_2d_class.tolist() } qqnr_file_name = "reg_qqnr" + ".json" save_json_fmt(outdir=tmpdir, _id=_id, fname=qqnr_file_name, content=reg_qqnr)
[docs]def export_model(tmpdir, _id, model, filename, target_name, mode="classification", random_state=42): """export model as a pickle file and generate a scripts for using the pickled model. Parameters ---------- tmpdir: string Temporary directory for saving experiment results _id: string Experiment ID in Aliro model: scikit-learn estimator A fitted scikit-learn model filename: string File name of input dataset target_name: string Target name in input data mode: string 'classification': Run classification analysis 'regression': Run regression analysis random_state: int Random seed in model Returns ------- None """ pickle_file_name = 'model_{}.pkl'.format(_id) pickle_file = '{0}{1}/model_{1}.pkl'.format(tmpdir, _id) pickle_model = {} pickle_model['model'] = model pickle_model['data_filename'] = filename joblib.dump(pickle_model, pickle_file) pipeline_text1, pipeline_text2 = generate_export_codes( pickle_file_name, model, filename, target_name, mode, random_state) export_scripts = open( "{0}{1}/scripts_reproduce_{1}.py".format(tmpdir, _id), "w") export_scripts.write(pipeline_text1) export_scripts.close() export_scripts = open( "{0}{1}/scripts_application_{1}.py".format(tmpdir, _id), "w") export_scripts.write(pipeline_text2) export_scripts.close()
[docs]def generate_export_codes( pickle_file_name, model, filename, target_name, mode="classification", random_state=42): """Generate all library import calls for use in stand alone python scripts. Parameters ---------- pickle_file_name: string Pickle file name for a fitted scikit-learn estimator model: scikit-learn estimator A fitted scikit-learn model filename: string File name of input dataset target_name: string Target name in input data mode: string 'classification': Run classification analysis 'regression': Run regression analysis random_state: int Random seed in model Returns ------- pipeline_text: String The Python scripts for applying the current optimized pipeline in stand-alone python environment """ if mode == 'classification': fold = "StratifiedKFold" elif mode == 'regression': fold = "KFold" exported_codes_1 = """# Python version: {python_version} # Results were generated with numpy v{numpy_version}, # pandas v{pandas_version} and scikit-learn v{skl_version}. # random seed = {random_state} # Training dataset filename = {dataset} # Pickle filename = {pickle_file_name} # Model in the pickle file: {model} import numpy as np import pandas as pd import joblib from sklearn.utils import check_X_y from sklearn.metrics import make_scorer, confusion_matrix from sklearn.model_selection import cross_validate, {fold} # NOTE: Edit variables below with appropriate values # path to your pickle file, below is the downloaded pickle file pickle_file = '{pickle_file_name}' # file path to the dataset dataset = '{dataset}' # target column name target_column = '{target_name}' seed = {random_state} # load fitted model pickle_model = joblib.load(pickle_file) model = pickle_model['model'] # read input data input_data = pd.read_csv(dataset, sep=None, engine='python') """.format( python_version=version.replace('\n', ''), numpy_version=np.__version__, pandas_version=pd.__version__, skl_version=skl_version, dataset=",".join(filename), target_name=target_name, pickle_file_name=pickle_file_name, random_state=random_state, model=str(model).replace('\n', '\n#'), fold=fold ) exported_codes_2 = exported_codes_1 if mode == "classification": exported_codes_1 += """ # Balanced accuracy below was described in [Urbanowicz2015]: # the average of sensitivity and specificity is computed for each class # and then averaged over total number of classes. # It is NOT the same as sklearn.metrics.balanced_accuracy_score, # which is defined as the average of recall obtained on each class. def balanced_accuracy(y_true, y_pred): all_classes = list(set(np.append(y_true, y_pred))) all_class_accuracies = [] for this_class in all_classes: this_class_sensitivity = 0. this_class_specificity = 0. if sum(y_true == this_class) != 0: this_class_sensitivity = \\ float(sum((y_pred == this_class) & (y_true == this_class))) /\\ float(sum((y_true == this_class))) this_class_specificity = \\ float(sum((y_pred != this_class) & (y_true != this_class))) /\\ float(sum((y_true != this_class))) this_class_accuracy = (this_class_sensitivity + this_class_specificity) / 2. all_class_accuracies.append(this_class_accuracy) return np.mean(all_class_accuracies) # reproducing training score and testing score from Aliro features = input_data.drop(target_column, axis=1).values target = input_data[target_column].values # Checking dataset features, target = check_X_y(features, target, dtype=None, order="C", force_all_finite=True) scorer = make_scorer(balanced_accuracy) # reproducing balanced accuracy scores # computing cross-validated metrics cv = StratifiedKFold(n_splits=10) cv_scores = cross_validate( estimator=model, X=features, y=target, scoring=scorer, cv=cv, return_train_score=True, return_estimator=True ) train_score = cv_scores['train_score'].mean() test_score = cv_scores['test_score'].mean() print("Training score: ", train_score) print("Testing score: ", test_score) # reproducing confusion matrix pred_cv_target = np.empty(target.shape) for cv_split, est in zip(cv.split(features, target), cv_scores['estimator']): train, test = cv_split pred_cv_target[test] = est.predict(features[test]) cnf_matrix = confusion_matrix( target, pred_cv_target, labels=model.classes_) print("Confusion Matrix:", cnf_matrix) """ elif mode == "regression": exported_codes_1 += """ # reproducing training score and testing score from Aliro features = input_data.drop(target_column, axis=1).values target = input_data[target_column].values # Checking dataset features, target = check_X_y(features, target, dtype=None, order="C", force_all_finite=True) # reproducing r2 scores # computing cross-validated metrics cv_scores = cross_validate( estimator=model, X=features, y=target, scoring='r2', cv=10, return_train_score=True, return_estimator=True ) train_score = cv_scores['train_score'].mean() test_score = cv_scores['test_score'].mean() print("Training score: ", train_score) print("Testing score: ", test_score) """ exported_codes_2 += """ # Application 1: cross validation of fitted model on a new dataset testing_features = input_data.drop(target_column, axis=1).values testing_target = input_data[target_column].values # Get holdout score for fitted model print("Holdout score: ", end="") print(model.score(testing_features, testing_target)) # Application 2: predict outcome by fitted model # In this application, the input dataset may not include target column # Please comment this line below if there is no target column in input dataset input_data.drop(target_column, axis=1, inplace=True) predict_target = model.predict(input_data.values) """ return exported_codes_1, exported_codes_2