
A recommender is responsible for deciding what ML-parameter combination will be run when the AI button is clicked.

Recommendation Basics

A recommender should inherit from the BaseRecommender class, which contains the minimum methods needed.

  • update(self, results_data, results_mf=None): takes in new results as they are generated. Most recommenders use this to maintain an internal state.

  • recommend(self, dataset_id=None, n_recs=1, dataset_mf=None): Returns an ML choice, its parameter values, and the internal score of its recommendation for dataset_id.

For a new recommender, these two classes, along with the class constructor, must be implemented.

Current Recommenders

  • RandomRecommender

    Recommends random machine learning algorithms and parameters from the possible algorithms fetched from the server.

    RandomRecommender samples uniform randomly from the ML methods, then uniform randomly samples the parameters of the chosen algorithm.

  • AverageRecommender

    Recommends machine learning algorithms and parameters based on their average performance across all evaluated datasets.

    AverageRecommender maintains an internal moving average of each ML-paramter combination across all datasets.

    It can only recommend ML-paramter combinations that it has results for.

    On startup, it is best topreload some results so that AverageRecommender has some minimum knowledge base. Otherwise it won’t be able to make a recommendation until results have been generated.

  • KNNMetaRecommender

    This is a collaborative filtering approach. The recommender tries to recommend MLs that have performed well on similar datasets.

    KNNMetaRecommender maintains and internal list of the best MLs on each dataset that has been seen. When a new recommendation request comes in, the neighborhood of the dataset is calculated in metafeature space, and recommendations are made in order of nearest to farthest dataset using the best ML methods for that dataset (excluding the current one).

    In the case of repeat recommendations, this recommender defaults to random recommendations.

  • SVDRecommender

    This recommender uses an online version of the SVD recommender system from the Surprise package. See their documentation for details.

    Note: Any other recommenders in that folder are not currently supported or maintained.

Building your own recommender

To build your own recommender, start with the recommender/ file. From there, implement update() and recommend() strategies. The base class provides self.ml_p, a dataframe of available algorithm configurations. It also maintains a parameter hash table (self.param_htable) that facilitates the unique identification of parameter dictionaries. Check out the base class API documentation to get started. To use the recommender with the AI class, you need to make the following changes to ai/

  1. Import your recommender:

    from ai.recommender.my_recommender import MyFancyRecommender
  2. To use your recommender via command-line calls of the ai, add it as an argument to the argument parser:

            choices = ['random','average','exhaustive','meta','knn','svd','myrec'],
            help='Recommender algorithm options.')
  3. Add it as an option to name_to_rec in main():

    # dictionary of default recommenders to choose from at the command line.
    name_to_rec = {'random': RandomRecommender,
            'average': AverageRecommender,
            'knn': KNNMetaRecommender,
            'svd': SVDRecommender,
            'myrec': MyFancyRecommender

That should be all the required changes.

Running your recommender

You should now be able to start the AI with your recommender. The easiest way to do so is to add your recommender to the config/ai.env file. Edit this file so that AI_RECOMMENDER=myrec.

Then when Aliro is launched, it will run with your recommender.

For more control and for testing, launch Aliro with AI_AUTOSTART=0 set in the config/ai.env file. Then, attach to the aliro_lab_1 docker container with the command

docker exec -it "aliro_lab_1" /bin/bash

Change to the project root:


Then you can launch the AI with your recommender as

python -m -rec myrec

Run python -m -h to see additional options.