Source code for machine.learn.io_utils

"""~This file is part of the Aliro library~

Copyright (C) 2023 Epistasis Lab, 
Center for Artificial Intelligence Research and Education (CAIRE),
Department of Computational Biomedicine (CBM),
Cedars-Sinai Medical Center.

Aliro is maintained by:
    - Hyunjun Choi (
    - Miguel Hernandez (
    - Nick Matsumoto (
    - Jay Moran (
    - and many other generous open source contributors

This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program.  If not, see <>.

(Autogenerated header, do not modify)

import argparse
import requests
import json
import os
import time
import requests
import pandas as pd
from io import StringIO

# get Aliro environment information
LAB_HOST = os.environ.get('LAB_HOST', 'lab')
LAB_PORT = os.environ.get('LAB_PORT', '5080')
basedir = os.environ.get('PROJECT_ROOT', '.')

[docs]class Experiment: def __init__(self, args, basedir=basedir): """Experiment class for Aliro. Parameters ---------- args: dict Arguments of a experiment from Aliro API basedir: string Base directory for this project Returns ------- None """ self.args = args self.method_name = self.args['method'] self.basedir = basedir # temporary directory self.tmpdir = '{}/machine/learn/tmp/{}/'.format( self.basedir, self.method_name) if not os.path.isdir(self.tmpdir): os.makedirs(self.tmpdir)
[docs] def get_input(self): """Get input data based on experiment ID (_id) from Aliro API. Returns ------- input_data: pandas.Dataframe or list of two pandas.Dataframe pandas.DataFrame: Aliro will use train_test_split to make train/test splits list of two pandas.DataFrame: The 1st pandas.DataFrame is training dataset, while the 2nd one is testing dataset """ return get_input_data(self.args['_id'], self.tmpdir)
[docs] def get_model(self): """Build scikit learn method based on arguments from Aliro API. Returns ------- model: scikit-learn Estimator a machine learning model with scikit-learn API method_type: string 'classification': classification model 'regression': regression model """ projects = get_projects() pdict = next( item for item in projects if item["name"] == self.method_name) params = pdict['schema'] import_path = pdict['path'] method_type = pdict['category'] encoding_strategy = pdict['categorical_encoding_strategy'] method_args = {k: self.args[k] for k in params.keys()} # update static parameters if 'static_parameters' in pdict: method_args.update(pdict['static_parameters']) print(f"method_args: {method_args}") exec('from {} import {}'.format(import_path, self.method_name)) method = eval(self.method_name) model = method(**method_args) return model, method_type, encoding_strategy
[docs]def get_projects(): """Get all machine learning algorithm's information from Aliro API This information should be the same with projects.json. Returns ------- projects: dict A dict of all machine learning algorithm's information """ uri = 'http://' + LAB_HOST + ':' + LAB_PORT + '/api/v1/projects' projects = json.loads(requests.get(uri).text) return projects
[docs]def parse_args(): """Parse arguments for machine learning algorithm. Returns ------- args: dict Arguments of a experiment from Aliro API param_grid: dict Dictionary with parameters names (string) as keys and lists of parameter settings to try as values, or a list of such dictionaries, in which case the grids spanned by each dictionary in the list are explored. This enables searching over any sequence of parameter settings. """ projects = get_projects() parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description='Driver for all machine learning algorithms in Aliro') subparsers = parser.add_subparsers( dest='method', help="ML Learning Algorithm") for pdict in projects: method = pdict['name'] params = pdict['schema'] subparser = subparsers.add_parser(method) subparser.add_argument( '--_id', action='store', dest='_id', default=None, type=str, help="Experiment id in database") subparser.add_argument( '--grid_search', action='store', dest='grid_search', default=False, type=bool, help=( 'If grid_search is True, then ' 'the experiment will perform GridSearchCV')) param_grid = {} # parse args for each parameter for key, val in params.items(): arg = '--' + key arg_dest = key arg_default = val['default'] arg_type = get_type(val['type']) subparser.add_argument(arg, action='store', dest=arg_dest, default=arg_default, type=arg_type) if "grid_search" in val['ui']: values = val['ui']["grid_search"] elif "values" in val['ui']: values = val['ui']["values"] else: values = val['ui']["choices"] param_grid[key] = [arg_type(v) for v in values] args = vars(parser.parse_args()) print('parsed args:', args) return args, param_grid
[docs]def get_input_data(_id, tmpdir): """ Get input dataset information from Aliro API. Parameters ---------- _id: string Experiment ID in Aliro tmpdir: string Path of temporary directory Returns ------- input_data: pandas.Dataframe or list of two pandas.Dataframe pandas.DataFrame: Aliro will use train_test_split to make train/test splits list of two pandas.DataFrame. The 1st pandas.DataFrame is training dataset, while the 2nd one is testing dataset data_info: dict * target_name: string, target column name * filename: list, filename(s) * categories: list, categorical feature name(s) * ordinals: dict * keys: categorical feature name(s) * values: categorical values """ expdir = tmpdir + _id + '/' if not os.path.exists(expdir): os.makedirs(expdir) response = requests.get('http://' + LAB_HOST + ':' + LAB_PORT + '/api/v1/experiments/' + _id) jsondata = json.loads(response.text) _dataset_id = jsondata['_dataset_id'] if (_dataset_id is None): raise RuntimeError("Error when running experiment '{}'" ": Unable to get _dataset_id " " from lab. " "Response: {}".format(_id, str(jsondata))) response = requests.get( 'http://' + LAB_HOST + ':' + LAB_PORT + '/api/v1/datasets/' + _dataset_id) jsondata = json.loads(response.text) files = jsondata['files'] filename = [file['filename'] for file in files] target_name = '' categories = None ordinals = None prediction_type = "classification" # by default for file in files: if 'dependent_col' not in file: raise RuntimeError( "Target column is missing in {}.".format( " or ".join(filename))) if target_name and target_name != file['dependent_col']: raise RuntimeError( "Files in one experiment should has the same" " target column name. Related files: {}.".format( ','.join(filename)) ) else: target_name = file['dependent_col'] if 'categorical_features' in file: categories = file['categorical_features'] if 'ordinal_features' in file: ordinals = file['ordinal_features'] if 'prediction_type' in file: prediction_type = file['prediction_type'] if len(files) == 1: # only 1 file input_data = pd.read_csv( StringIO( get_file_data( files[0]['_id'])), sep=None, engine='python') check_column(target_name, input_data) else: # two files for cross-validation input_data = [] # need api support !! # the 1st one is training dataset and 2nd one is testing datast for file in files: indata = pd.read_csv( StringIO( get_file_data( file['_id'])), sep=None, engine='python') check_column(target_name, indata) input_data.append(indata) data_info = { 'target_name': target_name, 'filename': filename, 'categories': categories, 'ordinals': ordinals, 'prediction_type': prediction_type } return input_data, data_info
[docs]def get_file_data(file_id): """Attempt to retrieve dataset file. If the file is corrupt or an error response is returned, it will rasie an ValueError. Parameters ---------- file_id: string File ID from the Aliro database Return: string Dataset strings which will be read by pandas and converted to pd.DataFrame """ uri = 'http://' + LAB_HOST + ':' + LAB_PORT + '/api/v1/files/' + file_id res = requests.get(uri) if res.status_code != msg = ('Unable to retrieve file {file_id}. ' 'Status code: {status_code}. ' 'Response text: {res_text}'.format(file_id=file_id, status_code=status_code, res_text=res.text)) raise ValueError(msg) return res.text
[docs]def check_column(column_name, dataframe): """ check if a column exists in Pandas DataFrame. Parameters ---------- column_name: string column name dataframe: pandas.DataFrame input dataset DataFrame Returns ------- None """ if column_name not in dataframe.columns.values: raise ValueError( 'The provided data file does ' 'not seem to have target column {}.'.format(column_name) )
[docs]def bool_type(val): """Convert argument to boolean type. Parameters ---------- val: string Value of a parameter in string type Returns ------- _: boolean Converted value in boolean type """ if(val.lower() == 'true'): return True elif(val.lower() == 'false'): return False else: raise argparse.ArgumentTypeError(val + ' is not a valid boolean value')
[docs]def none(val): """Convert nono argument to None. Parameters ---------- val: string Value of a parameter in string type Returns ------- _: None If input value if "none", then the function will return None, otherwise it will retune string. """ if(val.lower() == 'none' or 'null'): return None else: raise argparse.ArgumentTypeError(val + ' is not a valid str value')
[docs]def get_type(param_type): """Return convertion function for input type. Parameters ---------- param_type: string or list string, type of a parameter which is defined in projects.json list, list of parameter types (for parameter supportting multiple input types) Returns ------- known_types[type]: function Function for converting argument from Aliro UI for assigning to scikit-learn estimator """ known_types = { 'int': int, # change this later 'float': float, 'string': str, 'bool': bool_type, 'none': none } if isinstance(param_type, list): def convert_func(val): conv_val = '' for t in param_type: try: if isinstance(val, str): if val.lower() == 'none' and t == "none": conv_val = None break elif val.lower() in ["true", "false"] and t == "bool": conv_val = bool_type(val) break conv_val = known_types[t](val) # for mixed type in tree-based model if isinstance(conv_val, (int, float)): if conv_val < 1: conv_val = float(conv_val) else: conv_val = int(conv_val) break except BaseException: pass if conv_val == '': raise argparse.ArgumentTypeError(val + ' is not a valid value') return conv_val return convert_func else: return known_types[param_type]