Source code for ai.recommender.random_recommender

"""~This file is part of the Aliro library~

Copyright (C) 2023 Epistasis Lab, 
Center for Artificial Intelligence Research and Education (CAIRE),
Department of Computational Biomedicine (CBM),
Cedars-Sinai Medical Center.

Aliro is maintained by:
    - Hyunjun Choi (
    - Miguel Hernandez (
    - Nick Matsumoto (
    - Jay Moran (
    - and many other generous open source contributors

This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program.  If not, see <>.

(Autogenerated header, do not modify)

import pandas as pd
from .base import BaseRecommender
import numpy as np
import pdb

import logging
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
ch = logging.StreamHandler()
formatter = logging.Formatter('%(module)s: %(levelname)s: %(message)s')

[docs]class RandomRecommender(BaseRecommender): """Aliro random recommender. Recommends random machine learning algorithms and parameters from the possible algorithms fetched from the server. Parameters ---------- ml_type: str, 'classifier' or 'regressor' Recommending classifiers or regressors. Used to determine ML options. metric: str (default: accuracy for classifiers, mse for regressors) The metric by which to assess performance on the datasets. ml_p: Dataframe Contains all the machine learning / algorithm combinations available for recommendation. """ def __init__(self, ml_type='classifier', metric=None, ml_p=None, random_state=None, knowledgebase_results=None, knowledgebase_metafeatures=None, load_serialized_rec="if_exists", serialized_rec_directory=None, serialized_rec_filename=None): """Initialize recommendation system.""" super().__init__( ml_type, metric, ml_p, random_state=random_state, knowledgebase_results=knowledgebase_results, knowledgebase_metafeatures=knowledgebase_metafeatures, load_serialized_rec=load_serialized_rec, serialized_rec_directory=serialized_rec_directory, serialized_rec_filename=serialized_rec_filename)
[docs] def update(self, results_data, results_mf=None, source='pennai'): """Update ML / Parameter recommendations. Parameters ---------- results_data: DataFrame columns corresponding to: 'algorithm' 'parameters' self.metric results_mf: DataFrame, optional columns corresponding to metafeatures of each dataset in results_data. """ # update trained dataset models and hash table super().update(results_data, results_mf, source)
[docs] def recommend(self, dataset_id=None, n_recs=1, dataset_mf=None): """Return a model and parameter values expected to do best on dataset. Parameters ---------- dataset_id: string ID of the dataset for which the recommender is generating recommendations. n_recs: int (default: 1), optional Return a list of len n_recs in order of estimators and parameters expected to do best. """ # dataset hash table super().recommend(dataset_id, n_recs, dataset_mf) # return ML+P for best average y #print(self.ml_p) try: ml_rec,p_rec,phash_rec,rec_score=[],[],[],[] for i in np.arange(n_recs): n=0 rec_not_new = True # while (rec_not_new and n<10): #print(self.ml_p) ml_tmp = np.random.choice(self.ml_p['algorithm'].unique()) p_tmp = np.random.choice([mlp.split('|')[1] for mlp in self.mlp_combos if ml_tmp in mlp]) # self.mlp_.loc[self.ml_p['algorithm']==ml_tmp,'parameters'] # ).items())) # if dataset_id is not None: # rec_not_new = (dataset_id + '|' + ml_tmp + '|' + p_tmp in # self.trained_dataset_models) # else: # rec_not_new = False # if n==999: # print('warning: tried 10 times (and failed) to find a novel # recommendation') ml_rec.append(ml_tmp) phash_rec.append(p_tmp) p_rec.append(self.hash_2_param[p_tmp]) rec_score.append(0) # if a dataset is specified, do not make recommendations for # algorithm-parameter combos that have already been run #if dataset_id is not None: # rec = [r for r in rec if dataset_id + '|' + r not in # self.trained_dataset_models] #ml_rec = [r.split('|')[0] for r in rec] #p_rec = [r.split('|')[1] for r in rec] #rec_score = [0 for r in rec] except AttributeError: logger.error('rec:', rec) logger.error('self.scores:', self.scores) logger.error('self.w:', self.w) raise AttributeError self._update_trained_dataset_models_from_rec(dataset_id, ml_rec, phash_rec) return ml_rec, p_rec, rec_score