Source code for ai.recommender.knn_meta_recommender

"""~This file is part of the Aliro library~

Copyright (C) 2023 Epistasis Lab, 
Center for Artificial Intelligence Research and Education (CAIRE),
Department of Computational Biomedicine (CBM),
Cedars-Sinai Medical Center.

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    - Hyunjun Choi (
    - Miguel Hernandez (
    - Nick Matsumoto (
    - Jay Moran (
    - and many other generous open source contributors

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(Autogenerated header, do not modify)

# Recommender system for Aliro.
import pandas as pd
# import json
# import urllib.request, urllib.parse
from .base import BaseRecommender
#from ..metalearning import get_metafeatures
from sklearn.preprocessing import RobustScaler
from sklearn.pipeline import Pipeline
import numpy as np
from collections import defaultdict, OrderedDict
from sklearn.neighbors import NearestNeighbors
import logging

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
ch = logging.StreamHandler()
formatter = logging.Formatter('%(module)s: %(levelname)s: %(message)s')

[docs]class KNNMetaRecommender(BaseRecommender): """Aliro KNN meta recommender. Recommends machine learning algorithms and parameters as follows: - store the best ML + P on every dataset. - given a new dataset, measure its distance to all results in metafeature space. - recommend ML + P with best performance on closest dataset. Parameters ---------- ml_type: str, 'classifier' or 'regressor' Recommending classifiers or regressors. Used to determine ML options. metric: str (default: accuracy for classifiers, mse for regressors) The metric by which to assess performance on the datasets. ml_p: DataFrame (default: None) Contains all valid ML parameter combos, with columns 'algorithm' and 'parameters' """ def __init__(self, ml_type='classifier', metric=None, ml_p=None, random_state=None, knowledgebase_results=None, knowledgebase_metafeatures=None, load_serialized_rec="if_exists", serialized_rec_directory=None, serialized_rec_filename=None): """ set default recommender specific parameters; might be overwritten by loading serialized recommender""" # lookup table: dataset name to best ML+P self.best_mlp = pd.DataFrame(columns=['_id','algorithm', 'parameters', 'score']) self.best_mlp.set_index('_id',inplace=True) # local dataframe of datasets and their metafeatures self.all_dataset_mf = pd.DataFrame() """Initialize recommendation system.""" super().__init__( ml_type, metric, ml_p, random_state=random_state, knowledgebase_results=knowledgebase_results, knowledgebase_metafeatures=knowledgebase_metafeatures, load_serialized_rec=load_serialized_rec, serialized_rec_directory=serialized_rec_directory, serialized_rec_filename=serialized_rec_filename)
[docs] def update(self, results_data, results_mf, source='pennai'): """Update ML / Parameter recommendations. Parameters ---------- results_data: DataFrame columns corresponding to: 'algorithm' 'parameters' self.metric results_mf: DataFrame columns corresponding to metafeatures of each dataset in results_data. """ # update trained dataset models and hash table super().update(results_data, results_mf, source) # save a copy of the results_mf with NaNs filled with zero drop_cols = [c for c in results_mf.columns if c[0] == '_' and c !='_id'] self.all_dataset_mf = \ results_mf.drop(columns=drop_cols).fillna(0.0).set_index('_id') # update internal model self.update_model(results_data)
[docs] def update_model(self,results_data): """Stores best ML-P on each dataset.""" logger.debug('len(self.hash_2_param)): ' + str(len(self.hash_2_param))) for d,dfg in results_data.groupby('_id'): if (len(self.best_mlp) == 0 or d not in self.best_mlp.index or dfg[self.metric].max() > self.best_mlp.loc[d,'score']): self.best_mlp.loc[d,'score'] = dfg[self.metric].max() dfg = dfg.reset_index() idx = dfg[self.metric].idxmax() # print('dfg:\n',dfg) logger.debug('new best for '+d+': '+ dfg.loc[idx,'algorithm']+', idx:'+str(idx)) self.best_mlp.loc[d,'algorithm'] = dfg.loc[idx,'algorithm'] self.best_mlp.loc[d,'parameters'] = dfg.loc[idx, 'parameter_hash'] else: logger.debug('skipping'+d)
# print('model updated')
[docs] def recommend(self, dataset_id, n_recs=1, dataset_mf = None): """Return a model and parameter values expected to do best on dataset. Parameters ---------- dataset_id: string ID of the dataset for which the recommender is generating recommendations. n_recs: int (default: 1), optional Return a list of length n_recs in order of estimators and parameters expected to do best. """ if dataset_mf is None: raise ValueError('dataset_mf is None for',dataset_id, "can't recommend") # dataset hash table super().recommend(dataset_id, n_recs, dataset_mf) logger.debug('dataset_mf columns:{}'.format(dataset_mf.columns)) drop_cols = [c for c in dataset_mf.columns if c[0] == '_' and c !='_id'] dataset_mf = dataset_mf.drop(columns=drop_cols) logger.debug('dataset_mf columns:{}'.format(dataset_mf.columns)) try: ml_rec, phash_rec, rec_score = self.best_model_prediction( dataset_id, dataset_mf) if len(ml_rec) < n_recs:'len(ml_rec)={len(ml_rec)}, recommending random') iters = 0 while len(ml_rec) < n_recs and iters < 1000: # add random ml_p recommendations until n_recs is met new_ml_rec = np.random.choice(self.ml_p['algorithm'].unique()) new_phash_rec = self._hash_simple_dict(np.random.choice( self.ml_p.loc[self.ml_p['algorithm']==new_ml_rec] ['parameters'].values)) if (dataset_id + '|' + new_ml_rec + '|' + new_phash_rec not in self.trained_dataset_models): ml_rec.append(new_ml_rec) phash_rec.append(new_phash_rec) rec_score.append(np.nan) iters = iters+1 if iters == 1000:'couldn''t find {n_recs} unique recommendations! ' 'returning',len(ml_rec)) subset = \ [dataset_id in tdm for tdm in self.trained_dataset_models] num_results = len( [tdm for i,tdm in enumerate(self.trained_dataset_models) if subset[i]])'btw, there are {num_results} results for ' '{dataset_id} already') ml_rec, p_rec, rec_score = (ml_rec[:n_recs], [self.hash_2_param[p] for p in phash_rec[:n_recs]], rec_score[:n_recs]) assert(len(ml_rec) == n_recs) except Exception as e: logger.error('error running self.best_model_prediction for' +dataset_id) raise e # logger.error('ml_rec:'+ ml_rec) # logger.error('p_rec'+ p_rec) # logger.error('rec_score'+rec_score) # update the recommender's memory with the new algorithm-parameter # combos that it recommended self._update_trained_dataset_models_from_rec( dataset_id, ml_rec, phash_rec ) return ml_rec, p_rec, rec_score
[docs] def best_model_prediction(self, dataset_id, df_mf, n_recs=1): """Predict scores over many variations of ML+P and pick the best""" # get dataset metafeatures for cols in ['dataset','_id']: if cols in df_mf.columns: df_mf = df_mf.drop(cols,axis=1) mf = df_mf.fillna(0.0).values.flatten() # compute the neighbors of past results nbrs = NearestNeighbors(n_neighbors=len(self.all_dataset_mf), algorithm='ball_tree') rs = RobustScaler() X = rs.fit_transform(self.all_dataset_mf.values) # find n_recs nearest neighbors to new dataset # print('querying neighbors with mf of shape',mf.shape) distances,indices = nbrs.kneighbors(rs.transform(mf.reshape(1,-1))) # print('distances:',distances) # print('indices:',indices) dataset_idx = [self.all_dataset_mf.index[i] for i in indices[0]] # recommend the mlp results closest to the dataset in metafeature space ml_recs, p_recs, scores = [],[],[] # print('self.best_mlp:',self.best_mlp) for i,(d,dist) in enumerate(zip(dataset_idx,distances[0])): if d not in self.best_mlp.index: continue if i < 10: logger.debug('closest dataset:'+d+'; distance:'+ str(dist)) # don't recommend based on the same dataset if round(dist,6) > 0.0: alg_params = (self.best_mlp.loc[d,'algorithm'] + '|' + self.best_mlp.loc[d,'parameters']) # only recommend if not already recommended if (dataset_id+'|'+alg_params not in self.trained_dataset_models): ml_recs.append(self.best_mlp.loc[d,'algorithm']) p_recs.append(self.best_mlp.loc[d,'parameters']) scores.append(dist) return ml_recs,p_recs,scores